Tha sinn a dèanamh ar dìcheal na tachartasan seo a thoirt ri chèile, mar sin mu tha sian a’ dol agaibh, cuiribh fios thugainn.
Lionacleit Library Book Group
- 04/09/2024
- Lionacleit Library
Lionacleit Library Book Group
Group starts at 3pm. New members always welcome
Please contact the library on 01870603691 or for more information
‘Hercules the Bear’ Show
- 12/09/2024
- Carinish Hall
Hercules The Bear is inspired by the true story of a 10-foot grizzly bear raised in Scotland by human parents. Hercules eats cooked meals at the dinner table, swims in the swimming pool and even tours in a wrestling show!
But one day, while filming an advert on Uist, Hercules swims out to sea and disappears. Everyone thinks Hercules has returned to his wild side, but can he prove them wrong?
For audiences aged 6+ and their adults.
Showing in Carinish Hall on Thursday 12th September, at 6pm, please book your tickets using our online ticketing system linked. You can choose how much to pay for tickets!
Next to You – Album Tour
- 13/09/2024
- Dark Island Hotel Benbecula
Next to You is a collection of original songs written by Josie Duncan, Willie Campbell, Scott C. Park and Alastair Caplin, four Hebridean artists who have come together to collaborate on an album informed by their varied experiences of the pandemic and the effects it had on their communities.
The album was recorded over a week in February 2024 at Black Bay Studio on Great Bernera, following a series of ceilidhs across Lewis and Harris where islanders were invited to share music and stories. The album will be performed live in September 2024, to coincide with its release, at venues in Barra, Benbecula and Lewis. A physical publication will accompany the album which will be available digitally online and through streaming services.
This record is part of Remembering Together – Na h-Eileanan Siar, a nationwide project to create memorials to the Covid pandemic.
Tour Dates
Weds 11th September – An Lanntair, Lewis
Thurs 12th September – Northbay Hall, Barra*
Fri 13th September – Dark Island Hotel, Benbecula**
All start times: 8PM
*with support from Lisa MacNeil & Barra Young Musicians
** with support from Arabella Manchester
Tickets are FREE and also available at the door of all venues.
Pop Up Play
- 13/09/2024
- Carinish Hall
Pop Up Play Barra & Uist & Childcare Careers & Information Gathering Opportunity
FRIDAY 13TH SEPT AT 10AM-12.30pm
Enjoy free pop up play with Cala’s play team, share your views on local childcare needs & learn about starting on a rewarding career in childcare!
Attendees on the day include CALA, Barra Childrens Centre, CnES Early Years and Employability services, Skills Development Scotland, Business Gateway & HIE
Share your thoughts on childcare issues on Barra and Uist or learn about a career in childcare such as pathways into the sector including childminding and training
Event is free and no need to book – just come along! Any questions contact 01463 222 569 or
Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band Annual General Meeting
- 13/09/2024
- Lionacleit Library
Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band Annual General Meeting
Friday 13th September 2024
Lionacleit Library
All welcome, new Committee members always needed!
Sinclairs Ornaments Pop-up at Lovats
- 14/09/2024
- Lovats Carnan
Lovats are delighted to have Allan from Stornoway for the first time with his Bespoke handcrafted concrete ornaments. So save the date & pop in to see what he has to offer, & maybe even ask about a special design for yourself or a loved one.
Spinning In Uist
- 15/09/2024
- Nunton Steadings, Benbecula
The Uist spinning group meets 1 – 3 pm, every other Sunday at Nunton Steadings, Benbecula, kindly hosted by North Uist Distillery Co.
15th & 29th September
All interested in spinning and woolcrafts welcome.
Observing free, members by small donation
- 16/09/2024
- Ceann na h-Airigh (Café & Meeting Room exhibition)
Rhodri Evans
Ceann na h-Airigh (Café & Meeting Room exhibition)
Open 10am – 3pm
Monday to Friday
16 September – 31 October 2024
- 17/09/2024
- Google Classroom
A bheil thu fileanta sa Ghàidhlig ach feumach air barrachd misneachd? Neo a bheil do chuid Ghàidhlig air fàs rud beag ‘rusty’ is tu ag iarraidh beagan practas còmhla ri oide agus buidheann taiceil?
Are or were you a fluent Gaelic speaker but needing some extra confidence to speak Gaelic? Or has your Gaelic gotten a bit rusty and you want some practice with a supportive tutor and with others who are in a similar position?
Tha sinn a’ ruith clas Cabadaich dìreach airson daoine a tha fileanta neo a tha airson tilleadh don chànan – a’ tòiseachadh an ath sheachdain! Le 4 clasaichean air loidhne còmhla ri Catrìona Nic an t-Saoir, gheibh thu an cothrom fàs nas cofhurtaile a bhith a’ cleachdadh do chuid Ghàidhlig.
Ceòlas are running a fluent/lapsed speakers confidence class as part of their online Cabadaich le Ceòlas Gaelic conversation classes! This block of 4 lessons with Catriona MacIntyre will give you the chance to feel more confident and comfortable speaking Gaelic and practise common phrases and words used in natural, spoken Gaelic.
Thèid dhan làrach-lìn againn airson clàradh & barrachd fiosrachaidh! //
Head to Ceòlas’ website for more information and booking!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
- 18/09/2024
- Cothrom, South Uist
It’s time for a Macmillan Coffee Morning and you’re invited.
Let’s do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer.
Please call 01878 700910 if you have any questions.
Donate via the QR code in the event link.
Introduction to Machine Sewing
- 19/09/2024
- Cothrom, South Uist
19th & 26th September 11-1pm
Limited spaces, booking is essential
To book contact: 01878 700
OPPORTUNITY TO PROGRESS ON TO TO SQA NAT 5 INTRODUCTORY SEWING SKILLS improve your numerical skills through the art of sewing!
Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham
- 20/09/2024
- Southend Community Hall, Daliburgh
Tha Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham gu bhith air ais ann an Dalabrog airson oidhche de cheòl air leth!
Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham will be back in Daliburgh as part of their Scotland tour for a sensational night of music.
7:30 – 10 pm
Tickets are non-refundable unless we can resell your ticket in the event of a sell-out
Bingo Night
- 26/09/2024
- Ceann na h-Airigh, Grimsay
Doors open 6:30 Eyes down 7:00
At Ceann na h-Airigh, Grimsay
Books of bingo cards by donation (£10 suggested)
BYOB. Refreshments available.
To book your place please email
This event is helping to raise funds for GCA
Last Thursday’s poetry evening: Memory / Memories
- 26/09/2024
- Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy
Taigh Chearsabhagh are delighted to return to their Last Thursday’s poetry evenings this month, with the first of the new season on Thursday 26th September, on the theme of memory or memories.
Everyone is welcome to come to the poetry evenings, as a reader or a listener. The evenings are always thought provoking and great fun. Please bring published poems on the subject of Memory / Memories.
“a good way to spend an evening with people who share a love of poetry.”
Join in Taigh Chearsabhagh on Thursday 26th September, at 7.30pm for this informal gathering. Drinks and nibbles are provided. Entry is by donation.
Rope-making and other traditional uses of plants in the Highlands and Islands
- 27/09/2024
- Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy
Join for an evening with Professor Margaret Bennett, who will share a talk on rope-making and other traditional uses of plants in the Highlands and Islands.
Margaret’s talk will expand on fascinating localised examples and research from the concepts within Caroline Dear’s gallery exhibition, String/Lines. String / Lines explores the wider world of string, unravelling information from; the earliest archaeological evidence of string dated to 47,000 years ago, cultural stories, historical myth and from contemporary vestiges.
Originally from Skye, Prof. Margaret Bennett has had a lifelong interest in Folklore and traditional songs. Author of many books and articles, her publications on the study of plants include “Plant Lore in Gaelic Scotland” in R. Pankhurst, Flora of the Outer Hebrides, British Museum of Natural History, (1991), “The Folklore of Plants in Scotland”, in Plants and People: Economic Botany in Northern Europe, 800-1800, ed J.H. Dickson and R.R. Mill, Edinburgh (1994), as well as contributions to the Dictionary of the Folklore of Plants in Britain and Ireland, ed. Roy Vickery. London: British Museum of Natural History (1996).
All are welcome to join in Taigh Chearsabhagh on Friday 27th September, at 7pm. Please book your ticket below using the Pay What You Decide ticket structure, where you simply choose which ticket price you would like to pay.
UistFilm Presents: Bill Douglas My Best Friend
- 28/09/2024
- Carinish Hall
The story of the extraordinary friendship between Scotland’s greatest filmmaker and his lifelong companion and collaborator Peter Jewell. Bill Douglas was one of Scotland’s finest directors. Every shot in his films is an art work and every sequence a poem.
Bill’s life was transformed when he was on National Service in the Egyptian desert and he met the man who would become his life-long friend, Peter Jewell. The two men had very different backgrounds but they formed a unique bond that channelled a tremendous creative energy. In this film Peter reminisces about the life he shared with Bill, and their lifelong passion for the movies which lead them to start experimenting with an 8mm camera. His memories and musings about Bill’s legacy are illustrated with these never-before-seen short films.
Directed by Jack Archer at Hopscotch Films, Bill Douglas: My Best Friend has been selected for the Venice Film Festival and premieres there in September.
Join in Carinish Hall on Saturday 28th September for this screening. (Please note, this is a Saturday screening and not a Friday as usual). Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Book your tickets below using the Pay What You Decide ticket structure, where you simply choose which ticket price you would like to pay during booking. If you would like to show your support for independent cinema, you are also welcome to make donations after the screening.
UistFilm presents: SINCE YESTERDAY
- 25/10/2024
- Carinish Hall
The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands
The McKinleys, The Ettes, Strawberry Switchblade, Sophisticated Boom Boom, Twinsets, His Latest Flame, Sunset Gun, Lungleg, Pink Kross, Sally Skull, Hello Skinny and The Hedrons.
Ignored by the industry and deprived of the global success afforded to the male-dominated bands of the day, Since Yesterday: The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands is a celebration of the women and the music of yesteryear, and a rallying cry to the female talent of tomorrow.
Blending personal anecdotes with a scrapbook-style audio-visual aesthetic, Since Yesterday takes us on a decade-by-decade adventure, crafting the ultimate visual mixtape. Discover unheard demos, lost archives, and rare performances that celebrate the Game Changers, Trailblazers, Popstars, Post Punks and Pioneers who never compromised, and subsequently got lost in time.
The film takes a critical look at the barriers women have faced making music in the past, and still face today. It asks how we can inspire young women to make music, if those who do so are continuously erased from our cultural history. Written & narrated by award-nominated musician Carla J. Easton, this is a powerful global story told through a local lens.
Join for UistFilm’s Film Friday screening of Since Yesterday: The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands, in Carinish Hall on Friday 25th October. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
Book your tickets below using the Pay What You Decide ticket structure, where you simply choose which ticket price you would like to pay during booking. If you would like to show your support for independent cinema, you are also welcome to make donations after the screening.
Tachartas ùr – Ùrarachd
- 08/11/2024
- Cnoc Soilleir, South Uist
Àm is Àite
08 Nov 2024, 16:00 – 11 Nov 2024, 16:00
Cnoc Soilleir, , Dalabrog, Uibhist a Deas, HS8 5SS
Tha Ceòlas air ar dòigh Ùrarachd a chur air bhog – deireadh-sheachdain còmhnaidheachd chruthachail ann an Uibhist!
Bidh Dr Pàdruig Moireasdan agus Dr Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin a’ ruith bùithean-obrach ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla airson ur cuideachadh le bhith a’ sgrìobhadh òrain is puirt ann an Uibhist le seallaidhean àlainn timcheall oirnn.
Lorgar barrachd fiosrachaidh mun tachartas seo agus na tachartasan eile a tha Ceòlas a’ cur air dòigh air;