

Tha sinn a dèanamh ar dìcheal na tachartasan seo a thoirt ri chèile, mar sin mu tha sian a’ dol agaibh, cuiribh fios thugainn.


  • 16/09/2024
  • Ceann na h-Airigh (Café & Meeting Room exhibition)


Rhodri Evans


Ceann na h-Airigh (Café & Meeting Room exhibition)


Open 10am – 3pm

Monday to Friday

16 September – 31 October 2024

Dementia Friends & Brain Health Awareness Session

  • 07/10/2024
  • An Caladh, East Camp, Balivanich

Dementia Friends & Brain Health Awareness Session, with Alzheimer Scotland’s Dementia Advisor Ellie Donnelly! Tagsa Uibhist’s Post Diagnostic Support Link Worker (Dementia) Rosie Moar will be there too. They hope to see you there for some refreshments and to learn more about this very important topic.


11.30am (to 12.30pm)


Refreshments available




For enquiries, contact:-

Ellie Donnelly Dementia Advisor (W.Isles) Tel – 07500 762 041

Teddy Toddle

  • 07/10/2024
  • Leaving from UIST GIFTS in Lochboisdale





Sgoil Àraich Sgoil Dhalabroig have invited parents/carers babies and toddlers who attend the Pàrant is Pàiste and anyone else who fancies a little walk for a great cause to join them on their Teddy Toddle.


At 1:15pm everyone will be leaving from UIST GIFTS in Lochboisdale and walking out to the marina and back.

They would simply love your company on their walk, however If you would like a sponsor form please let the nursery know.


*Please note Pàrant is Pàiste will be on at the later time of 12:00 on Monday the 7th from saving those wishing to join the nursery from having to get kids ready and out the house twice*



Dementia & Brain Health Awareness

  • 09/10/2024
  • Taigh Chearsabhagh

Bidh neach-taic bho Alzheimer Alba ann an Cafaidh Thaigh Chearsabhaigh a-màireach, Diciadain, bho 12.15f – 2.15f, le bòrd fiosrachaidh agus cothrom do dhuine sam bith bruidhinn rithe airson comhairle is cuideachaidh.


Alzheimer Scotland are holding a drop-in session in the Taigh Chearsabhagh Cafe, Wednesday 9th October. Call in any time from 12.15pm-2.15pm if you would like to pick up some information or chat to their support advisor.


Come along for information, advice and support. Information Table & Dementia Advisor Drop In.


For enquiries, contact –

Ellie Donnelly Dementia Advisor (Western Isles) 07500 762 041



EVEN US MANIFEST/O? – Collaging Workshop

  • 09/10/2024
  • Taigh Chearsabhagh



Come along and find out more about the EVEN HERE EVEN NOW project, how it started and talk about what can happen next.


The manifesto is not an end point, it is a call to ask for more. To spotlight what is important to island based creative practitioners and how vital we are to the creative ecology of Scotland and beyond.


There will be a collaging workshop as part of this first gathering, where everyone will work on physical copies of the EHEN Manifesto, layering, editing and adding voices. This will be the starting point for a series of gatherings from October 2024 to March 2025.


More details to come.



(drinks & snacks will be provided)

St Mary’s Township Whist

  • 10/10/2024
  • St Mary’s Hall Griminish

St Mary’s Township Whists start on Thursday 10th October 8pm.


This whist is a general whist for all townships, donations of whist prizes would be gratefully received, these can be dropped off in the church house porch or the hall.


All Welcome!

Children’s Autumn Craft Session

  • 12/10/2024
  • Lionacleit Library

Join on Saturday 12th October for a Children’s Autumn Craft Session, from 11am.


Looking for free fun events for your children over the October Holidays ?
Drop in to Western Isles Libraries‘ sessions across their libraries.
Please note these events are for children aged 3-12 and children must be accompanied by an adult.

Halloween Fun Day

  • 13/10/2024
  • Carinish Hall

Halloween Fun Day with Uist Inflatables, 1-3pm.


All Children must be accompanied by a Guardian


£5 Per Entry


Tea & Coffee, Juice & Crisps, Slushies available at extra costs


Kids can come dressed in Halloween costumes (if suitable for inflatables)


Bouncy Castles, Soft Play & plenty other activities to keep everyone entertained!

Wear It Pink Day

  • 18/10/2024
  • Kildonan Cafe

Once again Kildonan Cafe will be raising money and awareness for Breast Cancer Now with a Wear It Pink day. 


The event will be hosted at the cafe all day on the 18th of October.


They will post again soon with more details on what they will be doing on the day and ways to donate.

Table Top Sale

  • 19/10/2024
  • Claddach Kirkibost Centre

Table Top Sale!


19th October 2024, 11am – 3pm


£10.00 per Table – Book early to avoid disappointment


Contact –

Halloween Disco

  • 19/10/2024
  • Kildonan Cafe

To cap off Kildonan Cafe’s last day of the season, they will be hosting a Halloween disco 4.30pm to 6.30pm. There will be spooky sweet treats available as well as their usual menu. So come in costume both kids and adults to enter the costume contest.


  • 21/10/2024
  • Astro Sgoil Lionacleit

The Alba Football Association is holding a October Holiday Camp in Uist to launch a new Gaelic community football club and unveil the club’s identity. Uist has joined the Alba Football Association as a founding member to bring a Gaelic Community Football Club to the Western Isles.

October 21st, 22nd & 23rd @ Astro Sgoil Lionacleit

Youth Session: P1-P7 (Boys & Girls) 09:30-12:30 (*£50)

Development Session: S1-S2 (Boys & Girls) 13:00-15:00 (*£35)

*50% discount for siblings will be applied

An Ath-> Art Club

  • 22/10/2024
  • Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy

An ath— the next thing — is a new art club for young people aged 12-20 who want to think and create in an open, imaginative space. Sessions will be led by artists Choirstaidh Iona NicArtair and AJ Stockwell, offering an opportunity to learn new skills and approaches to art-making.


The first time that An ath— will gather is for two days, 22nd + 23rd October, at Taigh Chearsabhagh. No previous art making experience is necessary and all materials are provided along with free food and drinks. Choirstaidh and AJ will be using their Gaelic, bring yours too if you like!


Come along, bring a friend, and explore your passions and interests through making the next thing!


You need to book a space so we know you are coming, choosing whichever ticket price feels manageable for you. We have a bursary fund for travel costs that is open to anyone who needs it. If this would help you join in, or if you need help finding a lift, please email


If you have any access accommodations, allergies or dietary requirements, or anything else the team need to know about you, please email


With special thanks to Feisean nan Gàidheal and the Crown Estate Revenue Fundfor their support.


Pay what you decide: £0 / £10 / £30 / £50

UistFilm presents: SINCE YESTERDAY

  • 25/10/2024
  • Carinish Hall

The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands


The McKinleys, The Ettes, Strawberry Switchblade, Sophisticated Boom Boom, Twinsets, His Latest Flame, Sunset Gun, Lungleg, Pink Kross, Sally Skull, Hello Skinny and The Hedrons.


Ignored by the industry and deprived of the global success afforded to the male-dominated bands of the day, Since Yesterday: The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands is a celebration of the women and the music of yesteryear, and a rallying cry to the female talent of tomorrow.


Blending personal anecdotes with a scrapbook-style audio-visual aesthetic, Since Yesterday takes us on a decade-by-decade adventure, crafting the ultimate visual mixtape. Discover unheard demos, lost archives, and rare performances that celebrate the Game Changers, Trailblazers, Popstars, Post Punks and Pioneers who never compromised, and subsequently got lost in time.


The film takes a critical look at the barriers women have faced making music in the past, and still face today. It asks how we can inspire young women to make music, if those who do so are continuously erased from our cultural history. Written & narrated by award-nominated musician Carla J. Easton, this is a powerful global story told through a local lens.


Join for UistFilm’s Film Friday screening of Since Yesterday: The Untold Story of Scotland’s Girl Bands, in Carinish Hall on Friday 25th October.  Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.


Book your tickets below using the Pay What You Decide ticket structure, where you simply choose which ticket price you would like to pay during booking. If you would like to show your support for independent cinema, you are also welcome to make donations after the screening.

Preloved Sale

  • 25/10/2024
  • Ceann nah-Airigh, Scotvein, Grimsay

Preloved SALE!


..of new and nearly new clothing, household items & bric a brac. Plants also for sale.


7pm@ Ceann nah-Airigh, Scotvein, Grimsay


Friday 25 October 2024


Items can be dropped off in the Workshop at Ceann na h-Airigh between 10am and 1.30pm pm on Tuesday 22 October and Wednesday 23 October.


Sorry they cannot accept books and shoes unless brand new.


There will be an auction of small items at 8pm.


Funds raised will help to purchase a shed for the GCA Volunteer Gardeners




Refreshments available by donation


For further information please

email: or text/whatsapp: 07748 487956

Tagsa’s Food Market

  • 26/10/2024
  • East Camp, Balivanich

Tagsa’s  next market is on Saturday 26th October at East Camp in Balivanich from 11am to 2pm. 


Pop down to buy local veg, eggs, fish, meat, home baking, honey, pizzas, jams and machair potatoes! 


In addition, they will have Halloween crafts, kids activities and Uist Community Riding School will be offering 20 minute Halloween pony rides for £20 (Booking is advisable). More spooky details to follow…


The Community Gardens Team look forward to seeing you all.


NUAS Soup & Sandwich Lunch

  • 02/11/2024
  • Hosta Hall, North Uist
North Uist Agricultural Show are holding a Soup & Sandwich Lunch
Hosta Hall, North Uist
Saturday 2 November 12 – 2pm
£7 per person

Tachartas ùr – Ùrarachd

  • 08/11/2024
  • Cnoc Soilleir, South Uist

Àm is Àite


08 Nov 2024, 16:00 – 11 Nov 2024, 16:00

Cnoc Soilleir, , Dalabrog, Uibhist a Deas, HS8 5SS

Mu dheidhinn an tachartas

Tha Ceòlas air ar dòigh Ùrarachd a chur air bhog – deireadh-sheachdain còmhnaidheachd chruthachail ann an Uibhist!


Bidh Dr Pàdruig Moireasdan agus Dr Alasdair C. MacIlleBhàin a’ ruith bùithean-obrach ann an Gàidhlig agus Beurla airson ur cuideachadh le bhith a’ sgrìobhadh òrain is puirt ann an Uibhist le seallaidhean àlainn timcheall oirnn.


Lorgar barrachd fiosrachaidh mun tachartas seo agus na tachartasan eile a tha Ceòlas a’ cur air dòigh air;