
Kids & Families

Coinnichidh na daoine far nach coinnich na cnuic. Nach toir sibh cuairt a-mach ris an teaghlach gus am faic sibh dè tha ri dheanamh ris an teaghlach ann an Uibhist. There’s plenty of activity for you and your family to get involved with. Keep up-to-date with all the various local groups who have events and activities on for all the family.


Cùmaibh faot agus fallain aig gach ceann den eilein. Tha sgiobaidhean is clubaichean de gach seòrsa air feadh Uibhist agus bidh iad toilichte ur faicinn còmhla riutha. Stay fit and fabulous in any corner in Uist and join a sports team or club. They’ll be delighted to see you.

Kid’s Clubs

Tha clann Uibhist trang, chì sibh na clubaichean a th’ann dhaibh gu h-ìosal. “What’s doing” I hear you ask? Absolutely loads! Especially for our younger islanders. Take a browse through our extensive list of kids clubs below.
