
Uist Jobs

Support for Learning Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 3rd March 2025

Salary: £14,341 – £14,881 per annum, inclusive of £1,431 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

Term: 22 hours per week, term time, fixed term to 27 June 2025


Feumaidh an neach a thèid fhastadh taic a thoirt do chloinn agus daoine òga le feumalachdan foghlaim a bharrachd (ASN). Bidh na leanas an lùib na h-obrach: a’ cuideachadh luchd-teagaisg ann a bhith tairgse taic foghlaim, cùram pearsanta agus feumalachdan soirbheis; a’ cumail fàire san raon chluiche / àm dìnearach; a’ dèanamh cìnnteach gum faigh gach sgoilear pàirt a ghabhail anns na suidhichidhean; a’ cur taic ri slàinte agus fallaineachd agus a’ leantainn stiùiridh Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here






Relief Handyperson

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 3rd March 2025

Salary: £14.60 per hour (inclusive of £1.48 Distant Islands Allowance per hour)

Term: Relief


Feumaidh mothachadh a bhith agad air feumalachdan sean dhaoine agus inbhich le feumalachdan taice, agus bu chòir dhut a bhith comasach air stiùireadh a thuigsinn, a chuimhneachadh agus a chur an gnìomh. Tha e riatanach gu bheil cead-draibhidh RA slàn agad. San dreuchd seo, feumaidh tu ballrachd de Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith an sàs ann an obair riaghlaichte le inbhich.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here






Domestic & Respite Workers

Location: North Uist

Company: Tagsa Uibhist

Salary: £14.54/hour, (£15.17 with SVQ2)


Tagsa are recruiting Respite and Domestic workers in North Uist. Domestic workers assist with cleaning and household services. Respite workers provide company to service users so families can rest. Unlike Care Assistants, Domestic and Respite workers do not provide personal care. All training is provided, experience not essential. Would this be right for you or someone you know?

To find out more and apply, contact Hanna on




Nursery Support Worker

Location: South Uist

Company: Cothrom

Closing Date: Friday 7th March 2025


Do you wish to work with children? Qualified or unqualified, you can make the difference! Join the team at Cothrom Og for the opportunity to help deliver top quality Gaelic childcare and work in a wonderful team.


For more info and an application form contact:





Rural Acute General Practitioners

Location: Uist

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Thursday 13th March 2025

Salary: £74,192 to £110,737 plus 40% enhancement. Plus Distant Island Allowance £1,349 per annum

Term: 40 hours per week


NHS Western Isles are currently looking for self-reliant and highly-motivated GPs to join their multi-disciplinary teams in Uist. Whether you are an experienced GP or earlier in your career, these roles present the unique opportunity to practice medicine immersed in the close-knit island communities … with plenty of opportunities to develop your experience and skills including through delivering medical cover at the local hospital.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here





Smokehouse Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Salar Smokehouse

Term: Part-time. Potential for full-time as new products are developed


This is an exciting new role as Salar Smokehouse look at product development.  Good basic literacy, numeracy and computer skills are essential, all other training will be given as necessary. The main role will be supporting the production manager with all aspects of product development, smoking processes and record keeping, but liaising with despatch, shop assistant, cook, sales office and maybe even with Charlie’s Bistro will be important so good communication and a very flexible attitude are needed. Salar are keen to promote young people staying on the islands so if desired the chance of an apprenticeship in Quality management systems or technical management can be investigated.

To express an interest and request more information please send a covering letter with a CV to


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here





Sales & Administration Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Salar Smokehouse


This role is to support the existing sales team with office administration and sales, with a focus on new customer contracts and increasing sales volumes. Good basic literacy, numeracy and computer skills are essential, all other training will be given as necessary. The main role will be supporting the management with all aspects of the business including learning the manufacturing processes and keeping records, liaising with despatch, shop assistant, chef/cook, therefore good communication skills and a very flexible attitude are essential. Salar are keen to promote young people staying on the islands so if desired the chance of an apprenticeship or similar training can be investigated

To express an interest and request more information please send a covering letter with a CV to


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here





Senior Social Care Worker

Location: South Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 3rd March 2025

Salary: £37,083 to £40,941 per annum, inclusive of £2,859 per annum Distant Islands Allowance

Term: 37 hours per week, Permanent post


Bidh thu a’ stiùireadh ’s a cumail rian air luchd-obrach ann an àrainneachd cùram sòisealta agus a’ gabhail àite a’ Mhanaidseir gus an t-seirbheis a chumail a’ dol agus gu bheilear a’ coileanadh Achd Reachdas Cùraim (Alba) 2001. Tha eòlas air ceannardas ann an àrainneachd cùram sòisealta agus teisteanas SVQIII (no shamhail) riatanach. Mur a bheil seo agad, feumaidh tu a bhith comasach air an teisteanas fhaighinn ann an 36 mìos an dèidh clàradh leis an SSSC. Bidh thu ag obair nad bhall de sgioba air stèidh shioftaichean.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here






Saltbox Sauna Assistants

Location: Uist

Company: Saltbox Sauna


Are you a sauna lover looking to share that joy with others and join a fantastic team?
Saltbox Sauna are seeking new recruits who can commit to at least 4 shifts per month. They are particularly interested in applicants from Lewis, Harris, North Uist & Benbecula. No previous experience required as full training will be provided. A fantastic team to join with good perks!


Email with your CV. Email enquiries only please.




Clerical Assistant (Child Protection)

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 3rd March 2025

Salary: £10,658 – £10,761 per annum, inclusive of £1,081 per annum Distant Islands Allowance

Term: 14 hours per week, permanent post


Feumaidh an neach a bhios san dreuchd seirbheis clèireachd agus giollachd-teacsa a lìbhrigeadh do Roinn an Fhoghlaim, Sgilean agus Sheirbheisean Cloinne. Bidh na dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ cur a-steach agus ag ùrachadh dàta a thaobh shiostaman ICT eadar-dhealaichte nan roinnean (m.e. Eclipse, SEEMIS, Sharepoint) agus a’ deasachadh aithisgean dha manaidsearan seirbheis mar a dh’fheumar; a’ dèiligeadh ri ceistean pearsanta agus air a fòn bho luchd-dèiligidh, sgoiltean, buidhnean eile, no bhon phoball; a’ dèanamh foto-lethbhreacan agus a’ cur sgrìobhainnean ri chèile airson na roinne; agus a’ cuideachadh oifigearan ann a bhith a’ cumail nan sgrìobhainnean-lìn aca nua-aimsireil agus iomchaidh mar a dh’fheumar.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here







Location: South Uist

Company: Ceòlas

Closing Date: 12 pm Friday 7th March 2025

Salary: £46,000 – £48,000 sa bhliadhna/pro rata

Term: 30 – 37.5 uairean, ri aontachadh, maireannach


Ann an dlùth chompàirteachas leis a’ Bhòrd-stiùiridh, luchd-obrach, buill na coimhearsnachd, agus raon farsaing de luchd-ùidh, bidh an Ceannard ùr os cionn buileachadh na h-ath ìre de lèirsinn gnìomhachais is ro-innleachdail aig Ceòlas. Bidh sgilean agus comasan dearbhte aig a’ Cheannard, a’ gabhail a-steach ceannas lèirsinneach, sgilean conaltraidh làidir, comas ionmhais, sùbailteachd agus tapachd, sgilean sòisealta, comasan fuasgladh dhùbhlan agus comasan breithneachaidh, agus, os cionn a h-uile nì, dìorras is dealas don Ghàidhlig, a cultar, agus leasachadh coimhearsnachd.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here




Relief Driver Community Transport

Location: Uist

Company: Tagsa Uibhist

Closing Date: Friday 28th February 2025

Salary: £14.54/hour

Term: Variable hours from week to week


Are you a good driver who enjoys working with people? If so – this could be the role for you! Working throughout Uist, driving Tagsa’s fleet of Zero Emission and Accessible vehicles, you will take people who don’t have access to public transport or need mobility support, to appointments, shopping and community events. Tagsa’s drivers provide a vital link for their clients in their daily lives.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here



Cafe Assistants

Location: South Uist

Company: Kildonan Cafe

Term: 2 x 20+ hour per week positions , 1 x school holidays / weekend position


Are you looking for work in a local business with flexible hours and a good rate of pay. We are looking for people who are hard working, loyal and have a passion for the service industry. Experience in this type of role isn’t necessary as full training will be given however it is always a bonus. The job roles available are 2 x 20+ hour positions and hours will be between 10am and 5pm. Kildonan Cafe also have a position suitable for anyone ages 16+ for weekend and school holiday.


If you think that any of these jobs are for you, forward a copy of your CV to
along your name and a contact number and a short note as to why you would like to join the team. For more information send them a message on Facebook or via 07488262884.




Car Valeter / Delivery Driver

Location: Benbecula

Company: Car Hire Hebrides

Closing Date: Monday 10th March 2025

Salary: £26,125 per annum / £12.56/hr

Term: 40 Hours per week. Rota and hours worked will be discussed at the interview stage.


Car Hire Hebrides is looking for a Car Valter/Delivery Driver to prepare their vehicles for hire and transfer cars across Uist. Your job:

● Deliver high quality vehicle cleaning, preparation and delivery.

● Deliver and collect our vehicles in a safely and timely manner across the different Islands to meet our customer needs.
● Assist customers with their queries about vehicles, such as features, operation, and safety to ensure they have great experiences.
Essential Requirements
● A full, clean UK driving licence with at least 12 months experience is essential.
If you want to join our team in Benbecula, send your CV and a letter about yourself to




Wellbeing Practitioner

Location: Benbecula

Company: Action for Children

Closing Date: Thursday 20th February 2025

Salary: £24,400 per annum, plus £1758 Island Allowance

Term: 30 hours per week, part time, permanent


Action for Children work in partnership with secondary schools across the Outer Hebrides; Sgoil Lionacleit, Sir E Scott, the Nicolson Institute and Castlebay Community School, to provide early intervention and prevention support to pupils experiencing mild mental health and wellbeing related issues. The Wellbeing Practitioner role will be based in Uist, and you will be working from Lionacleit school. In your role, you will be delivering wellbeing support, led by the needs of children/young people.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Member of Fish Processing Team

Location: North Uist

Company: Hebridean Smokehouse Ltd

Closing Date: Monday 31st March 2025

Salary: £12/hr

Term: Full time / part time, Monday to Friday with occasional weekend hours.


Hebridean Smokehouse are looking for new members for their small but busy fish processing team working at their base in Clachan, Isle of North Uist. Previous experience is not necessary as they provide complete on-the-job training with instruction and supervision from a member of the production team. The nature of the job requires the team member to be physically fit and to be able to work in a standing position for the majority of normal working hours. Although there is no heavy lifting involved, the job is nonetheless a physical one and not recommended for suffers of chronic back or joint conditions like arthritis.


Please contact the Smokehouse for a full job description and application form, either by email from or call them on 01876 580 209




Homecare & Reablement Assistant

Location: Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 24th February 2025

Salary: £27,103 to £28,125 p.a. (inclusive of £2,704 Distant Islands Allowance p.a.)

Term: 35 hours per week, Permanent Position


Tha Seirbheis Cùram Dachaigh agus Ath-chomasachaidh a’ lorg luchd-obrach cùraim a tha dàimheil, truasail agus earbsach airson an sgioba de luchd-obrach sgileil againn gus taic a chur ri daoine sna coimhearsnachdan againn agus leigeil leotha cumail orra a bhith a’ fuireach aig an taigh. ’S e amas na seirbheis a dhèanamh cinnteach gun tèid cùram agus taic aig ìre àrd a lìbhrigeadh fad na h-uìne, stèidhichte air planadh a tha ag aithneachadh fheumalachdan pearsanta dhaoine, truas, urram, spèis agus earbsa. Ma tha thu airson eadar-dhealachadh a dhèanamh ann am beatha dhaoine a tha a’ fuireach sa choimhearsnachd ionadail agad, dh’ fhaodadh gun còrd an dreuchd seo riut. ’S e dreuchd air leth buannachdail a tha seo, agus tha an fheadhainn a bhios a’ faighinn buannachd às an t-seirbheis agus a’ choimhearsnachd nas fharsainge a’ cur luach mòr air.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here





Location: South Uist

Company: Kildonan Cafe

Term: 40+ hours per week


Kildonan Cafe are looking for a supervisor this year, 40+ hours, someone who has experience working in a busy environment, able to jump into any position if necessary and who has a driving licence and their own car.


If you think this job is for you, forward a copy of your CV to
along your name and a contact number and a short note as to why you would like to join the team. For more information send them a message on Facebook or via 07488262884.




Senior Physiotherapist

Location: Uist & Barra

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Friday 21st February 2025

Salary: £39,912 – £48,635 per annum, plus Distant Islands Allowance of £1,349 per annum

Term: 37 hours per week, permanent post


The Physiotherapist will be required to assist in the provision of a Physiotherapy service to the population of North and South Uist, Benbecula, Eriskay and Barra, islands situated off the North West Coast of Scotland. The post is based in the Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh, on the island of Benbecula.. The key responsibilities of the role will be: the provision of physiotherapy assessment, the development, implementation and evaluation of treatment programs, and the facilitation and support of staff development in the hospital and community areas.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Kitchen Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 24th February 2025

Salary: £15,626 – £15,780 per annum, inclusive of £1,560 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

Term: 25 hours per week, term time, maternity cover


Bidh aig an neach a gheibh an obair ri dleastanasan cidsin coitcheann a choileanadh ann an cidsin agus seòmar-bìdh na sgoile. Bidh na dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas: deasachadh bìdh, a’ gabhail a-steach còcaireachd shìmplidh agus frithealadh bìdh, greimeannan bìdh agus deochan; làimhseachadh airgid, cleachdadh inneal airgid agus a’ lìonadh fhoirmichean; dèanamh cìnnteach gum bidh làimhseachadh bìdh a rèir reachdas Slàinteachas agus Slàinte Bìdh làthaireil, agus a rèir Poileasaidh Sàbhailteachd Bìdh na Comhairle.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here




Bank Staff Nurse

Location: Uist & Barra

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Friday 21st February 2025

Salary: £31,892 – £39,735 pro rata, plus £1,349 Distant Islands Allowance pro rata

Term: Hours as Required


Applicants must be NMC registered and can be from General Nursing or Mental Health with the main locations being Uist & Barra Hospital and St Brendan’s Hospital, Barra. These bank posts offer successful candidates the opportunity for continuing professional development in diverse and varied settings in both community and hospital settings and the ability to work independently is desirable but not essential for both areas.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Social Worker, Assessment & Care Management

Location: Uist & Barra

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 24th February 2025

Salary: £45,243 to £48,966 per annum (inclusive of £2,859 Distant Islands Allowance per annum)

Term: 37 hours per week, permanent post


You will undertake assessment and care management and other Social Work responsibilities including liaison with health, private and voluntary agencies. Within care management arrangement, you will make assessments and negotiate packages of care in consultation with service users and carers to meet identified needs within defined budgetary limits. You will also monitor, review and assess individual care plans and respond to changing needs.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Community Engagement Coordinator

Location: Grimsay

Company: Grimsay Community Association

Closing Date: Friday 28th February 2025

Salary: £16 per hour

Term: Self-employed and part-time, 16 hours a week, initially for 12 months.


Grimsay Community Association is looking to appoint an enthusiastic, creative person, with an interest in the culture and heritage of Uist, and in particular Grimsay, to plan and organise a programme of community workshops and events in GCA’s vibrant hub at Ceann na h-Àirigh. The post will also involve managing volunteers and expanding the team of volunteers.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Cook / Supervisor

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 24th February 2025

Salary: £19,000 – £20,763 per annum, inclusive of £1,789 Distant Islands Allowance per annum

Term: 27.5 hours per week, term time, Permanent post


Bidh aig an neach san dreuchd, air stèidh sealach, ri seirbheis bìdh aig ìre àrd a lìbhrigeadh don h-uile neach-ceannaich. Bidh dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ cumail sùil air coileanadh gach dleastanas aig luchd-obrach a’ chidsin/an t-seòmar-bìdh, a’ gabhail a-steach cleachdadh chlàran-dleastanais èifeachdach; ullachadh, còcaireachd, sgeadachadh agus frithealadh bìdh a rèir an t-sònrachaidh àbhaistiche; òrdachadh, sgrùdadh agus stòradh ceart de bhathar; cumail ri planaichean buidseit agus clàr-bìdh a rèir stiùireadh; agus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil luchd-obrach air an trèanadh agus gu bheilear a’ cumail chlàran mar bu chòir.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here




Port Assistant

Location: North Uist

Company: CalMac

Salary: £13.53 per hour plus enhanced rates for unsociable hours and overtime

Term: 35 hours per week, seasonal position


As a member of CalMac’s Port team, you will have a key role to play in delivering an amazing experience to all CalMac’s customers. You will also have key safety and security duties – assisting with maintenance of the pier, traffic management and all other duties connected with vessel movement, as well as making sure CalMac’s ports meet customers’ expectations by undertaking various tidy up duties.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here





Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Salary: £10,392 – £10,489 per annum, inclusive of £1,057 Distant Islands Allowance

Term: 16.5 hours per week, term time, Permanent Post

Closing Date: Monday 17th February 2025


Thathar a’ sireadh neach-glanaidh airson 16.5 uairean gach seachdain, tron teirm, gus dleastanasan glanaidh coitcheann a lìbhrigeadh, a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ glanadh làran, a’ glanadh agus a’ dustadh àirneis agus acainn ann an àitean sònraichte, agus a’ glanadh agus a dì-ghalarachadh thaighean beaga agus rumannan dreasaigidh. Bidh na dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach glanadh, sguabadh, cleachdadh glanadair-vacuum, falbhachadh bhionaichean, lìomhadh agus dustadh àiteachan sònraichte, àirneis is acainn, agus a’ cleachdadh uidheamachd dealain nuair a bhios feum air sin.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here


Live in Carer

Location: Barra

Company: Private Care

Term: Flexible hours as part of a rota which can be adjusted to suit


Seeking live in carers for a lovely elderly lady with dementia who is very sociable with a love of Gàidhlig, music and song.  Flexible hours as part of a rota which can be adjusted to suit.   Generous rate of pay.  Further information and/or expressions of interest, please contact:

Maggie Mathieson – 07729 629335

Tona MacKinnon – 07949 840392





Location: Outer Hebrides

Company: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall

Closing Date: Thursday 13th February 2025

Salary: £35,000. Pay review in year 3

Term: 35 hrs per week. 3 Year contract with a view to extend


Comann Dualchas Innse Gall are recruiting a full time Manager. You will line manage the Development Officer and Admin Support Officer, support CDIG and partner organisations to deliver aspects of the Great Place Strategy (GPS) and its Action Plan.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Administration Support Officer

Location: Outer Hebrides

Company: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall

Closing Date: Thursday 13th February 2025

Salary: £12,500 P/A, (salary review at the end of year 2)

Term: 18 hrs per week. 3 year contract with a view to extend


In this newly created role, the Admin Support Officer will work in a collaborative manner with CDIG staff and committee to help advance pre-identified actions.  The candidate will support the progression of identified short-, medium-, and long-term goals from the GPS strategy.   


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Development Officer

Location: Outer Hebrides

Company: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall

Closing Date: Thursday 13th February 2025

Salary: £29,500 P/A. Pay review in year 3

Term: 35 hrs per week. 3 Year contract with a view to extend


Comann Dualchas Innse Gall are appointing a full time Development Officer. You will be working alongside CDIG employees and reporting to CDIG Manager, to support partner organisations to deliver aspects of the Great Place Strategy (GPS) and its Action Plan.

Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Relief Social Care Assistant

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Trianaid Care Home

Salary:£14.79 per hour, inclusive of £1.42 per hour Distant Islands Allowance

Term: Full Time

Closing Date: Monday 17th February 2025


Bidh thu ag obair gu dealasach mar phàirt de sgioba a bhios ag adhartachadh agus a’ cur taic ri inbhich le feumalachdan taice gus an in-ghabhaltas, neo-eisimeileachd agus builean dealbhaichte a mheudachadh. Dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith ann am measgachadh de shuidheachaidhean agus a bhith a’ toirt taic do dhuine tron oidhche ma bhios sin riatanach.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here


Administration Assistant

Location: North Uist

Company: DFDS

Salary: £23K–£25K a month

Term: Full Time


As the Admin Assistant you will be keeping the office running by assisting with anything administration wise which comes in.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Relief Domestic Assistants

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Trianaid Care Home

Salary: £14.24 per hour, inclusive of £1.42 per hour Distant Islands Allowance

Term: Full Time

Closing Date: Monday 17th February 2025


Tha an Dachaigh-cùraim a’ sireadh luchd-obrach a bhiodh ag obair aig amannan fòrladh bliadhnail agus neo-làthaireachd air sgàth tinneas an luchd-obrach àbhaistich. Bidh dleastanas agad airson glainead na Dachaigh-cùraim, chun ìre a dh’fheumar airson slàinte is sàbhailteachd luchd-cleachdaidh na seirbheis.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here


Mechanical Seaweed Harvester

Location: Uist

Company: Uist Asco

Salary: 26k-34k GBP


Uist Asco are seeking Mechanical Seaweed Harvester Crew. In your role, you will assist in the mechanical harvesting, gathering and transportation of seaweed to collection points. You will also ensure general upkeep and maintenance across a fleet of purpose-built vessels and assist the wider resource operations team on varied day to day tasks
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Class 1 Driver

Location: North Uist

Company: DFDS


DFDS are recruiting a Class 1 Driver to join their team in Uist. This role involves operating curtainsiders and fridges to ensure the safe and timely delivery of goods.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here





Location: Eriskay

Company: Am Politician


Am Politician currently have an opening for a chef to lead their kitchen on either a permanent or seasonal basis. They may have work for partners too for the right couple. They can offer a competitive salary and great tips along with free accommodation.


If interested please contact Am Politician by email at: or by phone on 07496651642

On Call Firefighter

Location: Uist

Company: Uist and Barra Community Fire Stations


Uist and Barra Community Fire Stations are recruiting On-Call Firefighters at Lochmaddy, Bayhead, Benbecula, Lochboisdale and Castlebay Community Fire Stations! 2024 saw a number of new recruits who are now carrying a pager and responding to incidents, protecting and serving their communities.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Seasonal Head Chef

Location: North Uist

Company: Westford Inn


(24th Mar – Sept)


Westford Inn are recruiting a Seasonal Head Chef for March to September time. Please send CV’s to or drop them a message on Facebook if you’d like more info.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Retail Assistant

Location: South Uist

Company: Lovats Supermarket – Carnan

Term: 2-3 day per week 9am-6pm


A part-time retail assistant position has become available at Lovats Supermarket – Carnan South Uist . If you are interested to join the team then please drop in an application form/ CV into the shop or email


You will be contacted for an interview to discuss the job, pay etc in more detail.



Supply Teachers

Location: Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 15th December 2025

Salary: £37,896 – £47,565 per year pro rata




Tha cruaidh fheum air tidsearan saidheans àrd-sgoile agus tidsearan Gàidhlig bun-sgoile air feadh nan eilean, ach gu h-àraidh ann an Uibhist agus Barraigh, agus tidsearan bun-sgoile (Beurla) air feadh nan eilean. Tha Roinn an Fhoghlaim, Sgilean agus Sheirbheisean Chloinne a’ cleachdadh clàr de thidsearan faothachaidh a tha deònach làithean obrach a dhèanamh nuair a bhios tidsearan a dhìth.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here


Industrial Electrician/Electrical Supervisor

Location: North Uist

Company: Aqua-Tech

Salary: £45,000 – £50,000/annum relocation assistance, bonus, OT


Aqua-Tech are seeking an experienced and dedicated Electrical Supervisor to join their team. In this pivotal role, you will oversee the planning, execution, and quality of electrical installations, maintenance, and repair work. You will lead a team of skilled electricians, ensuring projects are completed on time, within budget, and in compliance with safety regulations and standards.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


e-Sgoil Supply Teachers

Location: Work from Home

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 15th December 2025

Salary: £37,896 – £47,565 per year pro rata




Tha luchd-teagaisg e-Sgoil air banca thidsearan-faothachaidh ’s a’ mhor-chuid dhiubh air cùmhnantan goirid a reir fheumalachdan sgoile fa leth. Faodaidh tidsearan a bhith stèidhichte am bad sam bith ’s a bhith teagasg gu àite sam bith ged a tha sinn sa bhitheantas a’ cuimseachadh air sgoiltean Alba.  Tha sinn a’ lìbhrigeadh sheirbheis a reir iarrtais sa chumantas ’s theid aig sgoiltean air tidsearan faothachaidh fhastadh bho thràth teagaisg gu tràth teagaisg. Air sgath sin, faodaidh am pataran obrach a bhith eadar-dhealaichte bho theagasg faothachaidh àbhaisteach ann an sgoil.  Tha sinn a’ cur taic ri sgoilearan agus sgoiltean mar phàirt de Thairgse Ionnsachaidh Air-Loidhne Alba.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information & English: Click here



Location: Uist

Company: Tagsa Uibhist

Salary: £14.54 per hour, rising to £15.17 upon completing SVQ2


Full-time and Part-time positions available


As Tagsa continue to provide care at home, respite care and support for dementia from Eriskay to Bernera, they are looking for new carers to join their team. They offer comprehensive training and a career path, including supported SVQs, so feel free to contact them if you have no previous experience of care but are willing to be trained.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here



HGV / PCV Technician

Location: South Uist

Company: HEBCO Mechanical Services LTD


Up to 40k Based on experience


HEBCO are looking for a qualified HGV / PCV Technician to join the team at their commercial workshop. They run a busy workshop looking after a wide range of commercial vehicles making sure they’re inspected, maintained and tested to the highest standards.


For anymore information or if you are interested in the position get in touch or submit your CV and cover letter for consideration:



Location: Lochmaddy

Company: Lochmaddy & Hamersay Hotel 


Lochmaddy & Hamersay Hotel are looking to add a front of house team member to their team. They looking for someone who is honest, trustworthy, punctual and reliable. They say they have a good hourly rate of pay (above living wage) and accommodation is available to the right applicant. If you are interested in applying, you can obtain a full job description by contacting Lorna.


Please enquire to Lorna 01876500331

Primary Health Care Experience

Location: South Uist

Company: South Uist Medical Practice


South Uist Medical Practice are currently offering primary health care experience as an ‘Earn as your Learn’ opportunity.


The role will involve reception, administration and dispensary work, alongside existing staff and the clinicians in the practice and out in the community. The commitment would be daytime hours and week days only.


For further information please contact Fiona

Relief Social Care Assistants

Location: Uist

Company: Caraidean Uibhist SCIO


Do you have a spare hour in your week?
Maybe two?
Could you make a difference in someone’s life?
Caraidean Uibhist SCIO need befrienders.
PM Mags N Iain Macaskill if interested



Location: Benbecula

Company: Chinese Takeaway


The Chinese take away are looking to take on a member of staff, to help with answering the phone and taking orders.


This will be a part time position.


For more information please call Ivy on – 01870 602993


Location: Benbecula

Company: Creagorry Motors Ltd


Creagorry Motors Ltd is seeking an experienced mechanic for a busy garage/MOT testing station in Benbecula.


Permanent – Full time position

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

Salary – Negotiable depending on level of experience


For more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch / send a CV to or


Location: Uist

Company: Self Employed / Support from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar


Now is your chance to start your own childminding business in Uist! Provide care, fun, and play opportunities for children in your community. Interested?


There is plenty of support and guidance to start your journey. Please get in touch with: or call 01851822655 for more information.


Relief Cleaner

Location: North Uist

Company: Taigh Chearsabhagh


Permanent | £12 per hour | 33 x 3.5 hour days, per year


Taigh Chearsabhagh  are looking for someone to join the cleaning staff rota, helping to keep Taigh Chearsabhagh looking its best and staying safe. This is a permanent position providing relief cover for staff holidays. This role includes Saturday working as a routine day. You may occasionally be asked to work evenings and Sundays as part of this role.


To apply to join the Taigh Chearsabhagh team, please email a cover letter and CV to with the subject line “Relief Cleaner”, or send a video or sound recording if preferred. There is no deadline but they would encourage you to get in touch as soon as you can.

Volunteer with the Uist and Barra Foodbank

Location: The Bunker, East Camp, Balivanich, Benbecula.

Charity: The Uist and Barra Foodbank


The Uist and Barra Foodbank is seeking volunteers to help with donations, processing and distribution of food supplies across Uist and Barra. Current opening times are Monday 9.30am-1pm and Friday 12-3pm.


If you are interested in joining a dedicated and enthusiastic team to make a positive impact within your community, please email or call 01870603819.
