Uist Jobs
Senior Social Care Worker
Location: South Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Senior Social Care Worker, Taigh a’Chridhe Uile Naomh (0897)
37 hours per week, Permanent post
£35,673 to £39,493 per annum, inclusive of £2,742 per annum Distant Islands Allowance
You will supervise and manage staff within a social care setting and deputise in the absence of the Manager to ensure the operational running of the service and its compliance with the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001.
Experience of leadership in a social care setting and SVQ lll (or equivalent) is essential. In the absence of this you must have the ability to undertake and achieve this qualification 36 months after registration with the SSSC. You will work as part of a team on a shift basis.
The wearing and use of PPE is essential in this post.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of grade with annual incremental progression.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Support for Learning Assistant, Gaelic
Location: Uibhist a Tuath
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Ceann-latha: Diluain 23 Sultain 2024
Neach-cuideachaidh Taic do Ionnsachadh (9729), Gàidhlig, SgoilUibhist a Tuath
28.5 uairean gach seachdain, fòrladh màthaireil
£17,664 – £18,364 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach de £1,778 gach bliadhna
Bidh aig an neach a gheibh an dreuchd ri taic a chur ri clann is daoine òga le feumalachdan taice a bharrachd (FTB). Bidh na dleastanasan a bhiodh aig an neach seo a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ toirt cuideachaidh do luchd-teagaisg gus feumalachdan foghlaim, cùraim phearsanta agus sochaire a choileanadh; a’ cumail smachd air clann san raon-cluiche/aig àm lòin; a’ toirt taic do dh’ion-ghabhaltas na cloinne gu lèir; a’ toirt taic ri slàinte is sunnd na cloinne agus a’ leantainn stiùireadh Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).
Feumaidh: eòlas a bhith agad air a bhith ag obair le clann, mar phàrant no mar phàirt de dhreuchd shaor-thoileach no phroifeasanta; tuigse a bhith agad air feumalachdan bunaiteach cloinne; comas a bhith agad ann a bhith a’ co-obrachadh gu h-èifeachdach le daoine eile mar phàirt de sgioba; nàdar foighidneach, sunndach, a bhith agad, le dòigh-obrach shùbailte, fhosgailte agus choibhneil.
Feumaidh an neach a bhios san dreuchd a bhith clàraichte airson Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith ag obair le clann.
Tha tuarastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Thèid an neach a shoirbhicheas fhastadh air a’ chiad phuing de na rangan.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Senior School Technician
Location: Western Isles
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Senior School Technician, Western Isles Schools (2379)
37 hours per week, Permanent Post
£35,673 – £39,493 per annum, inclusive of £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance per annum
The post holder will be required to supervise distinct areas of the School Technician Service throughout the Western Isles, to provide a comprehensive school-wide Technician Service within Sgoil Lionacleit/Nicolson Institute and Sir E Scott/Castlebay School, to deliver accredited SSERC courses to Technicians and Teachers along with managing regional testing and maintenance programmes in all Western Isles Secondary schools.
Duties will include line managing the Science Technicians in all 4 Western Isles Secondary Schools including leave approval and sickness absence management; supporting senior school students with practical work – specifically those studying for Advanced Highers or equivalent; operating and demonstrating use of audio-visual and computing equipment to teaching staff; and delivering accredited SSERC courses as an accredited SSERC Trainer to School Technicians and Teachers as required.
You must have a HNC in Science, Technology or IT discipline or 3 years relevant experience in a similar role. You should have knowledge of COSSH regulations and knowledge of SSERC/CLEAPPS and the services they provide. It is essential you have have the ability undertake equipment repair and knowledge of installation of computer systems.
A full unrestricted UK Driving licence is essential.
This post can be based in either the Nicolson Institute or Sgoil Lionacleit.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Apprentice – Social Services & Health Care
Location: Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Apprentice – Social Services & Health Care, Trianaid
37 hours per week, Fixed term of one year
£25,892 per annum (inclusive of £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance per annum)
As an Apprentice you will be trained as a Social Care Assistant in conjunction with an accredited training programme. This will enable you to work as a member of a team that promotes and supports Adults with Support Needs to actively take part within local resources and facilities to maximise their inclusion, independence and planned outcomes.
It is essential that you have an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of people with support needs. The ability to work with behaviours that challenge services, respect for others, the ability to gather and retain information and follow instructions and the ability to work effectively as part of a team are essential for this post.
You will work towards an SVQ Level 2 in Social Services and Health Care – achievability 1 year.
This role requires the wearing and use of PPE.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Marketing & Outreach Assistant
Location: Outer Hebrides, working from home or on location with Festival
Company: Rural Nations Scotland CIC
Closing Date: Friday 13th September 2024, 5pm
Rural Nations Scotland CIC is seeking a freelance Marketing and Outreach Assistant with the specific task of supporting the marketing and outreach work of the Hebrides International Film Festival including local invitations, supporting PR, social media, blogs and website updates.
Structure: 4 week contract part- time freelance, flexible basis.
Fees: Fixed Fee £1500. Travel and other Expenses paid as part of the role provision.
Timescale: Sep / Oct 2024
Role Description: Marketing and Outreach Assistant part-time temporary contract.
The Marketing and Outreach assistant will be required to undertake the following tasks:
- Adding content on the HIFF films to the HIFF Social Media platforms & website, planning a strategic approach to the use of the social media.
- In advance of the festival, work on the social media releases with the rural venue promoters to help promote their films on their own social media platforms and website.
- The Marketing & Outreach assistant will work collaboratively with the Festival Producer and Director supporting the outreach work for the festival they are developing. Identifying and inviting community groups across the islands to specific screenings, supporting with arranging transportation for these groups as may be required.
- Support with distribution of Jennie Kermode’s Press releases, including supporting with all other National Press & Radio inquiries for the festival.
- Assisting with distribution of posters, paper programmes, venue banners and other materials.
- Assisting with the development of the HIFF audience questionnaire and the monitoring materials for the Festival including assisting with the photographic record of the festival.
The Marketing & Outreach Assistant will work in collaboration with the Festival Associate Producer, An Lanntair Producer / Projectionist. The Marketing and Outreach Assistant is managed by the HIFF Festival Director.
To Apply, please submit a letter of application detailing your marketing and community outreach experience and interest in Film, plus a recent CV to Muriel Ann Macleod, Creative Producer, Rural Nations Scotland CIC. Email: muriel@ruralnations.com
ASN Support Worker, Gaelic
Location: Uibhist a Tuath
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Ceann-latha: Diluain 23 Sultain 2024
Neach-taice ASN (9106), Gàidhlig, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
6 uairean gach seachdain, rè teirm na sgoile, airson ùine fòrladh màthaireachd
£5,271 – £5,712 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £444 de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach gach bliadhna
Bidh aig an neach a gheibh an dreuchd taic fhoghlamach, ghiùlanach agus chùraim ann an sgoiltean/sgoiltean-àraich/suidheachaidhean foghlamach eile a chur ri clann le feumalachdan taice dùbhlanach a bharrachd.
Bithear a’ coileanadh dleastanasan eadar diofar sgoiltean, a rèir fheumalachdan na cloinne, ach dh’fhaodadh gum bi iad a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas: a’ cuideachadh ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh Phrògraman Stiùireadh Giùlain airson daoine òga so-leònte; a’ cuideachadh sgoilearan le feumalachdan dlùth-chùraim; a’ stiùireadh gu dìreach giùlan dhaoine òga mar a tha e mìnichte nam Planaichean Cùram-slàinte; agus a’ cumail sùil air clann aig àm-cluiche agus aig àm lòin, ann an sgoil/sgoil-àraich no san raon-cluiche.
Feumaidh tuigse a bhith agad air leasachadh cloinne agus na rudan a bhios a’ toirt buaidh air giùlan, ionnsachadh agus leasachadh cloinne. Tha e deatamach gu bheil an comas agad a bhith balaisteach ann suidheachaidhean riaslach, agus gun urrainn dhut dàimhean stèidhichte air earbsa a chumail suas. Feumaidh eòlas a bhith agad ann a bhith ag obair le clann – gu proifeiseanta no gu saor-thoileach – aig a bheil fìor dhroch dhuilgheadasan ionnsachaidh agus giùlan dùbhlanach.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Retail Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: MacLennans Supermarket Ltd
MacLennans Supermarket are currently looking for a Retail Assitant to join their team.
Mon-Tues & Thurs-Sat (6am – 9am)
15 hours per week
To find out more please call on 01870 602308 or email joanna@maclennanssupermarket.co.uk
Support for Learning Assistant
Location: North Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Support for Learning Assistant (2940), Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
11.45 hours per week, term time, fixed term to 13 August 2025
£7,097 -£7,378 per annum, inclusive of £714 Distant Islands Allowance per annum
The post holder will be required to provide support for children and young people with additional support needs (ASN). Duties will include assisting teaching staff to meet education, personal care and welfare needs; undertaking playground/lunchtime supervision; supporting the inclusion of all pupils in the settings; supporting health and well-being and follow the Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach.
You must have: experience of working with children, as a parent or in a voluntary or professional capacity; an understanding of the basic needs of children; the ability to co-operate with others and work effectively as a member of a team; a patient, cheerful personality with a flexible, open and caring approach.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Homecare & Reablement Assistant
Location: Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Homecare & Reablement Assistant, Uist (6554)
24.5 hours per week, Permanent Post
£18,039 to £18,754 per annum (inclusive of £1,815 Distant Islands Allowance per annum)
The Home Care and Reablement Service is looking for care staff who are caring, compassionate and reliable to join our team of skilled staff to support people living in our communities and enabling them to continue living at home. The service aim is to ensure a very good or excellent standard of care and support is provided at all times, based on person centred planning, compassion, dignity, respect and trust. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living in your local community this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.
The post requires a qualification at SVQ 2 in Health and Social Care or equivalent qualification to enable registration with SSSC (Scottish Social Services Council).
New staff into the service will be supported to gain the qualification required within a short defined timescale to allow for career progression to the post of Home Care and Reablement Worker (£28,960 – £31,776 per annum, pro rata, inclusive of Distance Islands Allowance).
A full UK driving licence is essential. The wearing and use of PPE is essential in this role.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with Adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. This post is fixed term for the duration of the Maternity leave of the current post holder.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Admin Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: MacLennans Supermarket Ltd
MacLennans Supermarket are currently looking for an Admin Assitant to join their team.
(Maternity Cover)
Monday – Friday (9am- 1pm)
20 hours per week
To find out more please call on 01870 602308 or email joanna@maclennanssupermarket.co.uk
Dining Room Supervisor
Location: South Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 23rd September 2024
Dining Room Supervisor, Iochdar School
5 hours per week term time, permanent post
£2,945 – £2,950 per annum, inclusive of £312 Distant Islands Allowance
The post holder will be required for the supervision of pupils in the dining room during the lunch period. You will be responsible for the safety, welfare and good conduct of the pupils, assist younger pupils with handling of money, carrying trays and promote healthy choices to all pupils.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of the grade.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Cleaner / Housekeeper
Location: Uist
Company: Elior UK
Closing Date: Saturday 14th September 2024
Elior UK are looking to employ cleaning staff for their Congreve House & Rangehead facilities, QinetiQ MoD Hebrides Range. They are looking for well-presented, experienced members of staff to supplement their existing team.
- Permanent Contract: 30hrs p/w
- 5 of 7 Days
- Salary: £12.00p/h
- Possibility for flexible hours
Job Description:
- Ability to work as part of a team and on your own
- Excellent customer service skills.
- Effective organisational skills.
- Implement company & client Health & Safety procedures
- Following the instructions of Housekeeping Manager
- Maintaining a clean and safe working area following Elior HACCP, Health & Safety & COSHH Protocols
- Driving Licence is essential– Site Vehicle use
Previous experience in a hospitality environment is desirable but further; site specific, training will be provided. The successful candidate must be self-motivated and able to work without close supervision and complete tasks on time.
Elior foster and believe in a diverse workplace, free from discrimination, which leads to an enjoyable and supportive environment.
Contact the below details for application details, all you need is an updated CV with required references.
John Buchanan
Contract Director
Mobile: 07808318948
e-mail: john.buchanan@elior.co.uk
Social Care Worker
Location: South Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 16 September 2024
Social Care Worker, Taigh a’Chridhe Uile Naomh (0901)
20 hours Per Week, Permanent post
£15,653 to £17,176 per annum, inclusive of £1,482 per annum Distant Islands Allowance
You will work enthusiastically as a member of a team that promotes and supports Adults with Support needs to maximise their inclusion, independence and planned outcomes. This can be within a variety of settings and include overnight support needs of a person where necessary.
You should have an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of people with support needs, the ability to listen effectively and communicate clearly and the ability to work as part of a team. You should also have SVQ Level III in Care (or equivalent), in the absence of this – you must have the ability to undertake and achieve this qualification – 36 months after registration with the SSSC.
This role requires the wearing and use of PPE.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of grade with annual incremental progression.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Relief Assistant Cook
Location: South Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 16 September 2024
Relief Assistant Cook, Taigh A Chridhe Uile Naomh
£14.12 per hour (inclusive of £1.42 Distant Islands Allowance per hour)
Relief Assistant Cooks are sought to assist the Cook in Charge in planning, preparing and arranging the serving of meals to users, taking into account choice, best value and food hygiene.
You should have experience of large-scale cooking and cleaning, preferably to a cleaning schedule. You must be able to work as part of a team and work in an organised and thorough manner.
The wearing and use of PPE is essential in this position.
This position is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children and adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Hours are on an as and when basis.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Relief Domestic Assistants
Location: South Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 16 September 2024
Relief Domestic Assistants, Taigh A’chridhe Uile Naomh
£13.57 per hour, inclusive of £1.42 per hour Distant Islands Allowance
The Care Home requires staff to cover periods of annual leave and sickness absence. You will have responsibility for the overall cleanliness of the Home, to the standard necessary for the health and safety of the service users.
You should have experience of cleaning, preferably to a schedule or in a work setting and an understanding of the rights of older people. This role requires the wearing and use of PPE.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Weekend cover is mainly sought for this position, though hours are available all throughout the week. Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Social Worker, Assessment and Care Management
Location: Uist & Barra
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Monday 16 September 2024
Social Worker, Assessment & Care Management, Uist & Barra (9477)
37 hours per week, Permanent post
£43,660 to £47,248 per annum (inclusive of £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance per annum)
You will undertake assessment and care management and other Social Work responsibilities including liaison with health, private and voluntary agencies. Within care management arrangement, you will make assessments and negotiate packages of care in consultation with service users and carers to meet identified needs within defined budgetary limits. You will also monitor, review and assess individual care plans and respond to changing needs.
You must hold a Diploma in Social Work or equivalent related Social Work qualification. Please follow this link to see relevant accepted qualifications for this position: Regulated Professions Register | Social Worker (regulated-professions.service.gov.uk)
You must have up-to-date knowledge of Community Care legislation and practice. It is essential that you are able to communicate clearly, have good interpersonal skills and hold a full, unrestricted UK driving licence.
This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with Adults and Children.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Location: North Uist
Company: Mowi
Closing Date: Sunday 22nd September 2024
Maksiccar, Cheesebay
Basic Salary £27,236 to £30,504 per annum
Ability to earn up to 15% per annum in a cyclical bonus, max bonus payable £8,170 to £9,151 per cycle
Overtime available at an enhanced rate
Are you a highly motivated individual looking to start or expand your aquaculture career? Mowi are currently looking to employ a Deckhand to work onboard their vessel, the Maksiccar. The role is based at the Company’s seawater sites at Cheesebay on the Isle of North Uist. The role is challenging, but ultimately very rewarding and can lead to a variety of fulfilling career progression opportunities.
If you are ambitious and motivated and want to work with a likeminded team, then this is the role for you. This post is offered on a full time, permanent basis. The successful candidate will be required to work on a two week on/two week off rotational basis, providing an excellent work/life balance opportunity. There is no accommodation available therefore the successful candidate will be required to travel to site each day whilst on shift to join the vessel.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Location: Benbecula
Company: Creagorry Motors Ltd
Creagorry Motors Ltd is seeking an experienced mechanic for a busy garage/MOT testing station in Benbecula.
Permanent – Full time position
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Salary – Negotiable depending on level of experience
The successful candidate must be:
Competent in vehicle repairs, servicing, maintenance and inspections
Able to confidently work independently, as well as part of a team
Familiar with vehicle diagnostics
Able to document completed work orders, ensuring accurate recording
Hold a full UK driving licence
For more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch / send a CV to katherine@creagorry.me or creagorrymotors@live.com
Heritage Centre Manager
Location: Grimsay
Company: Grimsay Community Association
Closing Date: Friday 4th October 2024
GCA is looking to appoint an enthusiastic, creative person, with an interest in the culture and heritage of Uist, to manage GCA’s vibrant community hub, and lead the Association into the next phase of its development.
The post is part-time, self employed
24 hours a week (initially for 12 months)
Rate of pay £20 – £22/hr based on experience and skills.
Interviews: Thursday 24 October 2024
Job description, and how to apply, available on request from
Care Assistants
Location: North Uist & Benbecula
Company: Tagsa Uibhist
Full Time/Part Time Hours
Hourly Rate: £14.54 (£15.17 with SVQ2)
Travel time paid at hourly rate
Mileage £0.56/mile
up to 10,000 miles, after that 36p/mile
Tagsa Uibhist are looking to recruit Care Assistants in Benbecula and North Uist – would you be a good fit to join their ‘We Invest in People’ accredited organisation?
Please contact Hanna on hanna@tagsa.co.uk to find out more!
Distillery Operatives
Location: Benbecula
Company: Benbecula Distillery
Benbecula Distillery are looking for Distillery Operatives to join their team at Benbecula Distillery.
Previous experience in a distillery type activity, or an engineering/mechanical or trades background is desirable but not essential, as training will be given for the right candidates, leading to a recognised qualification.
The key qualities they are looking for are a positive attitude and willingness to learn, an ability to problem solve, and be able to work on your own initiative and as part of their new team.
Salary rage is £28k-£35k commensurate with previous experience, and after training, with a range of other benefits also offered as part of the package.
Please apply directly with a CV and covering letter to hector@macmillanspirits.com
Adult Support Worker
Location: Benbecula
Company: Tagsa Uibhist
Closing Date: Monday 16th September 2024
Hours: Part-time, 14 hours per week.
Contract Type: 1-Year Fixed-Term.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Female Personal Assistant
Location: North Uist
Company: Home Care
“We are looking for someone to come and work in our home on the west side of North Uist supporting our 6 year old daughter as a personal assistant. She has a complex disability including cerebral palsy in all four limbs and profound and multiple learning difficulty. She has a significant sight impairment and needs full support to eat, drink, play and learn. She has excellent hearing and loves listening to and making music. She loves big movements like bouncing and swinging and will laugh and smile when she’s really engaged.
We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic, physically fit and willing to learn. Duties will include supporting her with feeding, personal care, physiotherapy, sensory therapy activities as well as support with communication and play. Previous experience of working with someone with additional needs is desirable but not necessary and all training needed will be provided (paid). We can offer regular shifts of either 16 hours or 20 hours per week, evenings and weekends during term time, at £18 an hour. You will need a driving license as there is no public transport. Please get in touch for more information and share this advert if you know someone who might be interested.”
Please get in touch with katy.stockwell@gmail.com for more information.
Test Centre Associate
Location: Lochmaddy
Company: Reed
Looking for part time occasional work? Be a Test Centre Associate at the Lochmaddy Theory Test Centre!
£16.50 per hour
The perfect job for someone who is happy to work approximately six to eight shifts a year including two to three Saturdays.
The Role:
Meeting and greeting candidates
Providing excellent customer service
Explaining processes
Invigilating and facilitating tests
Checking ID
Handling equipment
Apply by CV to Adrian at RinP.DVSA@reed.com
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Retail Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: Coop Creagorry
Coop Creagorry are looking for full / part time staff. They are flexible around working hours, working in a great team and earning a fantastic rate of pay with a 30% staff discount as well.
If you think this could be you call in for a chat or message Tracey Montgomery directly on Facebook.
Royal Mail Worker
Location: Benbecula
Company: Royal Mail
An opportunity to join the Royal Mail team in Balivanich is available for application. The role is to cover the duty holders leave throughout the year. During the initial training period of 8-10 weeks the role will be near full time hours then reducing to a minimum of 2 days a week.
The role will include sorting, collection and delivery of Mail items. Ideally you should be physically fit and able to perform manual handling tasks.
A full driving licence is required and local knowledge is preferred but not essential as full training will be provided.
Initially the successful candidate will be on boarded via a Royal Mail agency. Once completed an initial trial period a Royal Mail contract will be offered.
If you are interested in applying or would like to ask questions please email:
Care Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Tagsa Uibhist
Tagsa Uibhist are recruiting a Care Assistant based in South Uist.
25 hrs/week
Hourly Rate: £14.54 (£15.17 w. SVQ2)
Travel time paid at hourly rate
Mileage (per mile): 56p
Up to 10,000 miles, after that 36p/mile
Tagsa Uibhist offer a range of services to our community, including assisting with meals, providing company to service users so families can rest, providing personal care and assisting with medication.
All training is provided, experience not essential.
For further queries and to apply, please contact Hanna on hanna@tagsa.co.uk or call 01870 608907.
Location: North Uist
Company: OCS Group UK & Ireland
Pay Rate: £20.00
Hours per week: Variable Shift Rota
Business Overview
Atalian Servest and OCS have merged to create a new organisation, the OCS Group UK & Ireland. OCS Group UK & Ireland are a leading facilities management company providing a range of both standalone and integrated services including cleaning, catering, security, technical services, energy management and compliance, front of house, landscaping, logistics, waste management and pest control services.
Job Overview
They are currently recruiting for a Grounds-person to join their passionate and driven Integrated Solutions team based at their client’s site in Lochmaddy.
Key Responsibilities:
- To maintain the highest levels of cleanliness and tidiness in public areas.
- Ensure all public areas are stocked at the correct levels following brand standards.
About You:
- Applicants must have the right to work in the UK
- Previous experience in a similar working role will be an advantage.
- Experience in working within a team.
- You will be able to work to deadlines and prioritise as well as be flexible with working hours and days.
- Full disclosure will be carried out
- Wide range of retail discounts
- Discounted gym membership
- Join our Cycle to Work scheme
- Access to “CHROMA”, our internal colleague-led diversity and inclusion community – join a committee or take part in our events
- Access to internal Mental Health First Aiders
- Immediate access to “Opportunity” our internal Learning and Development platform
- Required professional membership fees paid for
- Win monthly Superstar Awards
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Personal Banker, Mobile Branch Lead
Location: South Uist
Company: NatWest Group
Salary: £24,750 per year
Join NatWest as a Personal Banker, Mobile Branch Lead in Lochboisdale, South Uist.
- If you have a passion for delivering excellent customer service along with good banking knowledge, they’d like to hear from you
- NatWest will look to you to deliver an exceptional experience to their customers who use our mobile branch banking services
- Crucial to this role will be your ability to complete the mobile branch driver training, which includes driver refresher training
NatWest’s Branch banking service provides local communities with vital access to branch banking needs. You’ll be acting as the first point of contact to customers in these locations, processing transactions, answering queries and identifying opportunities to help and refer them to specialists across the bank. NatWest will also be looking to you to follow safe and secure mobile branch operating processes, making sound health and safety decisions for colleagues and customers using the service.
You’ll also be:
- Processing all customer branching transactions and making sure that customer records are up to date with the any outcomes and actions
- Developing relationships with customers to understand and meet their needs and using your knowledge to explain the benefits of our products and services
- Building and maintaining a thorough understanding of the local community, community hubs and key stakeholders
You’ll need to be over 25 to drive one of the Mobile Branch vehicles, and hold a valid driving licence. You’ll ideally already have a category C1 license, but if you don’t they will provide comprehensive training and cover the cost. It would also be an advantage if you already hold a Driver Certificate of Professional Competence.
Additionally, you’ll need:
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills to explain products and their benefits in a meaningful way
- Completion of mobile branch driver training, including driver refresher training
- The ability to work independently and on your own initiative
- Part time – 27 hours per week
- Permanent
- You’ll typically be working during branch opening hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday and rotational Saturdays, working hours will be discussed at interview
You’ll enjoy a comprehensive structured training programme, and on-going coaching and support to enhance your development and open up progression opportunities. When you’re ready and have mastered your current role, they will help take your career to the next level.
You’ll join on a competitive salary of £24,750 and in addition you’ll receive a contribution to help you save for retirement. You can choose from a range of protection, healthcare or lifestyle benefits through NatWest Group Benefits, our fully flexible reward programme. You will have a generous holiday entitlement of 33 days – you may be required to work bank holidays.
Mechanical Seaweed Harvester Crew
Location: Uist
Company: Uist Asco
Salary: 26k-34k GBP
The Role:
• Assisting in the mechanical harvesting, gathering and transportation of seaweed to collection points
• General upkeep and maintenance across a fleet of purpose-built vessels
• Assisting the wider resource operations team on varied day to day tasks
• RYA Day Skipper Practical (or equivalent)
• Full UK driving License preferred
• ML5 or ENG1 Medical Certificate (current or able to obtain)
• Happy to work in variable maritime conditions
• Enjoys working as part of a team
*if you are missing qualifications, Uist Asco may be able to assist you in obtaining them. Please reach out if you think you would be a good candidate for this role but require additional training.
If this job sounds like it was made for you, Uist Asco would like to meet you. To further explore this opportunity, just submit your application to Steve Empringham at: sempringham@acadian.ca
They thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.
Front of House / Bar Server
Location: Benbecula
Company: Charlie’s Bistro and Bothy
Charlie’s Bistro and Bothy are currently looking for a front of house / bar server.
Over 18 and driving license would be an advantage.
Please contact Iain MacRury.
Location: Benbecula
Company: Creagorry Motors Ltd
Creagorry Motors Ltd is seeking an experienced mechanic for a busy garage/MOT testing station in Benbecula.
Permanent – Full time position
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Salary – Negotiable depending on level of experience
The successful candidate must be:
Competent in vehicle repairs, servicing, maintenance and inspections Able to confidently work independently, as well as part of a team Familiar with vehicle diagnostics
Able to document completed work orders, ensuring accurate recording Hold a full UK driving licence
For more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch / send a CV to katherine@creagorry.me or creagorrymotors@live.com
Care Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Tagsa Uibhist
Tagsa Uibhist are recruiting a Care Assitant based in South Uist, for 25 hours per week.
Hourly Rate: £14.54 (£15.17 w. SVQ2)
Travel time paid at hourly rate
Mileage (per mile): 56p
Up to 10,000 miles, after that 36p/mile
Tagsa Uibhist offer a range of services to our community, including assisting with meals, providing company to service users so families can rest, providing personal care and assisting with medication.
All training is provided, experience not essential.
For further queries and to apply, please contact Hanna on hanna@tagsa.co.uk or call 01870 608907.
Location: Benbecula
Company: Chinese Takeaway
The Chinese take away are looking to take on a member of staff, to help with answering the phone and taking orders.
This will be a part time position.
Ideal for any school leavers or students.
For more information please call Ivy on – 01870 602993
Supply Teachers
Location: Uist
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Closing Date: Tuesday 31st December 2024
Urgent requirement in secondary sciences, Gaelic Primary Teachers across all geographical areas but particularly Uist and Barra and Primary Teachers (English) across all geographical areas. The Education, Skills and Children’s Services Department operates a register of supply teachers willing to undertake short-term cover for teacher absences. The purpose of this post is to contribute to overall school effectiveness in respect of the following areas: (a)Curricular (b)Care and welfare (c)Collegiate (d)Professional development.
The successful candidate must be registered with the GTC Scotland. Candidates should ensure that they address all aspects of the person specification in their application.
Subject to the policies of the school and the education authority the duties of teachers are to perform such tasks as the headteacher shall direct having reasonable regard to overall teacher workload related to the following categories: 1 Teaching assigned classes together with associated preparation and correction. 2 Developing the school curriculum. 3 Assess, recording and reporting on the work of pupils. 4 Preparing pupils for examinations and assisting with the administration of examinations. 5 Providing advice and guidance to pupils on issues related to their education. 6 Promoting and safeguarding the health, welfare and safety of pupils. 7 Working in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals. 8 Undertaking appropriate and agreed continuing professional development. 9 Participating in issues related to school planning, raising achievement and individual review. 10 Contributing to good order and the wider needs of the school.
Salary for the above teaching posts will be in accordance with current regulations plus £2,541 Distant Islands Allowance (pro rata for part time posts).
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Location: Uist
Company: Self Employed / Support from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Are you passionate about making a positive impact in your community?
Now is your chance to start your own childminding business in Uist! Provide care, fun, and play opportunities for children in your community. Interested?
There is plenty of support and guidance to start your journey. Please get in touch with:
earlyyearsenquiries@cne-siar.gov.uk or call 01851822655 for more information.
- Flexible hours that work around you
- No formal qualifications needed
- Comprehensive training and support from CnES Early Years & Business Gateway
- Access to start-up packs, grants, and ongoing advice
- Additional support also available from the Scottish Childminding Association throughout your childminding journey
“I would highly recommend becoming a childminder. Before retirement, I had 18 wonderful years as a childminder and yes, at times it was hard work but there was so much laughter and fun, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”
– Kay, Retired Childminder, Isle of Barra
Homecare & Reablement Assistant
Location: Western Isles
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Find a job, gain a qualification, and build a life in the Western Isles with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Homecare and Reablement team.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is looking to attract new home care staff to permanent posts with opportunities for progression and benefits. Staff recruited from outwith the Western Isles will benefit from Key worker housing status and relocation packages.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s – Homecare and Reablement Service is looking to recruit care staff who are caring, compassionate and reliable to join our skilled team of staff to support people living in our communities and enabling them to continue living at home.
The service’s aim is to ensure a high standard of care and support is provided at all times, based on person-centred planning, compassion, dignity, respect and trust.
If you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living across the Western Isles this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.
New employees to the service will start as a Homecare and Reablement Assistant, Grade D (£27,243 – £28,323 Per Annum, inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance). Employees will be supported to undertake and achieve an SVQ II in Health and Social Care within six months from commencing in post. On achieving their SVQ II and on completion of all mandatory training employees will progress to a Homecare and Reablement Worker, Grade E (£28,960 – £31,776 Per Annum, Pro Rata, inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance).
Successful candidates who already hold an SVQ II in Health and Social Care can be fast tracked, on completion of all Comhairle specific mandatory training, to a Homecare and Reablement Worker.
To hear more about the role from existing Homecare and Reablement staff please follow this link: https://cne-siar.gov.uk/home/health-and-social-care/jobs-homecare-reablement/
Should you wish an informal discussion regarding the post please telephone 01851 705755.
Benefits for Employee;
- Key Worker Accommodation Status and Relocation Package available for eligible candidates.
- Fully funded SVQ Qualification in Health and Social Care.
- SSSC registration fees met by Employer
- PVG fees met by Employer
- Opportunity for career progression
- Employee Assistance Programme
- Pension Scheme
- Blue Light Card
- 25 days Annual Leave per year (pro rata for part time staff) increasing to 30 days after 5 years
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Customer Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: Creagorry Coop
If you are over 16 and are looking for work please contact
On Call Firefighters
Location: Uist
Company: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Are you…
18 years or over?
Eligible to work in the UK?
Physically fit?
Close to your local station?
Do you have good unaided vision and colour perception?
On call firefighters…
Carry a pager to respond to incidents
Engage with local communities
Promote fire, road and water safety
Receive payment for incidents attended, training nights, courses & community engagement
Learn new skills that can be used in a variety of jobs
Make a positive difference to the community
Receive lots of benefits and supportive provisions
If you are interested, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service want to hear from you. They are seeking to attract talented candidates from across Scotland’s diverse communities. Please email:
For info on how to apply, visit:
Location: Uist/Hybrid
Company: South Uist Distillers Co
South Uist Distillers Co are looking for someone to work within sales/marketing/promotion. Initially, this is a part-time job for the summer.
Relief Cleaner
Location: North Uist
Company: Taigh Chearsabhagh
Permanent | £12 per hour | 33 x 3.5 hour days, per year
Taigh Chearsabhagh are looking for someone to join the cleaning staff rota, helping to keep Taigh Chearsabhagh looking its best and staying safe. This is a permanent position providing relief cover for staff holidays. This role includes Saturday working as a routine day. You may occasionally be asked to work evenings and Sundays as part of this role.
The post holder will be responsible for:
– Cleaning all public and administrative areas within the premises at the end of each day Taigh Chearsabhagh is open.
– Adhering to current health and safety regulations and guidelines in the completion of their work, cleaning to the highest standard.
– Reporting promptly any faults, hazards or risks they may find during the delivery of their duties to the Operations Manager.
– Attendance at staff training and meetings as required.
– Any other appropriate duties as required by the needs of Taigh Chearsabhagh and as directed by and agreed with the Operations Manager.
Skills, qualifications and experience:
– Professional cleaning experience is desirable but not essential.
– Strong listening and communication skills.
– Proven ability to work efficiently and effectively without supervision and be self-motivated.
– Professional integrity and reliability when discharging duties.
– Ability to apply high standards effectively and consistently.
– Punctual in attendance.
To apply to join the Taigh Chearsabhagh team, please email a cover letter and CV to taigh@taigh-chearsabhagh.org with the subject line “Relief Cleaner”, or send a video or sound recording if preferred. There is no deadline but we would encourage you to get in touch as soon as you can.
Workshop Technician
Location: Benbecula
Company: 7-22 Systems Ltd
7-22 Systems Ltd are seeking a Workshop Technician to join their busy team delivering innovative buildings to market leading environmental standards.
7-22 Systems Ltd is an ecological construction construction company, based in the Southern Isles of the Outer Hebrides. It has been formed by experienced Uist-based Architects, in response to the practical and design challenges of delivering best value, high quality, environmentally sustainable buildings.
7-22 Systems produce an architect-designed building system, suited to small to medium sized construction projects, and provide a turn-key Design and Build construction service. The 7-22 System utilises off-site prefabrication of pre-insulated components, offering a new way to build better.
40 hrs / wk. Competitive salary. Workplace pension. Workshop based, in Locheport, North Uist with occasional site based work throughout the Outer Hebrides and beyond to construct building structures. 7-22 Systems Ltd seeks a candidate who:
Has a drier so make a difference of helping do deliver environment
Has a drive to make a difference by helping to deliver environmentally sustainable buildings.
Interest in developing software skills as part of the CNC machine process.
Assist Directors in material and machining part ordering.
A dedicated, well organised, and careful approach to your work Full UK driver’s license and access to your own vehicle.
If you would like to opportunity to work with 7-22 Systems Ltd in a role with great capacity to grow with our business, please get in touch with info@7-22systems.co.uk
Location: Benbecula
Company: 7-22 Systems Ltd
7-22 Systems Ltd are seeking a Joiner to join their busy team delivering innovative buildings to market leading environmental standards.
7-22 Systems Ltd is an ecological construction construction company, based in the Southern Isles of the Outer Hebrides. It has been formed by experienced Uist-based Architects, in response to the practical and design challenges of delivering best value, high quality, environmentally sustainable buildings.
7-22 Systems produce an architect-designed building system, suited to small to medium sized construction projects, and provide a turn-key Design and Build construction service. The 7-22 System utilises off-site prefabrication of pre-insulated components, offering a new way to build better.
40 hrs / wk. Competitive salary. Workplace pension. Workshop based, in Locheport, North Uist with site based work throughout the Outer Hebrides and beyond. 7-22 Systems Ltd seeks a candidate who:
Is a fully time served joiner with a keen eye for detail.
Has an interest in modern methods of construction & CNC manufacture.
Has a drive to make a difference by helping to deliver environmentally sustainable buildings.
A dedicated, well organised, and careful approach to your work.
Full UK driver’s license and access to your own vehicle.
If you would like to opportunity to work with 7-22 Systems in a role with great capacity to grow with their business, please get in touch with info@7-22systems.co.uk
Multi-Skilled Tradesperson
Location: Benbecula
Company: Voove
Closing Date: Friday 30th August 2024 (May close early)
(Some Short-Term Travel Throughout UK Required)
Type: Full-Time, 1-Year Contract
Salary: £40,000 per annum
Hours: 40 hours per week, Flexitime
Voove are a Boutique Communications and Technology Company specialising in the design and development of bespoke network and technology solutions alongside short-run manufacturing of custom products for a variety of projects and industries. They are seeking a highly skilled and versatile individual to join their team as a Multi-Skilled Tradesperson for a one-year contract (initially). The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in various building trades and a passion for delivering high-quality craftsmanship in support of their custom product manufacturing and fabrication both in-house and at client sites. They have a large workshop on Benbecula utilising, 8×10 and 4×4 CNC Machines, Large format print & cut machines, CO2 and Fibre Laser Cutter/Engravers, as well as a professional grade 3D Printer Farm.
Key Responsibilities:
- Design and Fabrication of wood products, ensuring precision and quality in all items produced.
- Carpentry and cabinet making, including custom-built furniture and fittings.
- Joinery work on building sites, contributing to the structural integrity and finish of our projects.
- Plumbing tasks, ensuring proper installation and maintenance of systems in commercial properties.
- Renovation of commercial properties, managing and executing comprehensive and small refurbishments.
- Utilising CAD & CAM software for design and manufacturing processes. Training Provided.
Skills Sought:
- Proven experience in the fabrication of wood products.
- Experience in custom carpentry and cabinet making.
- Strong background in building site construction joinery.
- Proficiency in plumbing
- Demonstrated ability in commercial property renovations.
- Job Pricing and Project Management.
- Groundworks and Fencing.
- Basic Welding and Metal Fabrication.
- Extensive and demonstratable hands-on experience in one or more of the required skills.
- Strong problem-solving abilities and excellent attention to detail.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
- Comfortable working in homes and businesses, both indoors and outdoors.
- Good communication skills and a professional attitude.
- Excellent Time Management, and ability to adapt quickly.
- Valid driving licence.
- What Is Offered:
- Salary of £40,000 per annum.
- 40 hours per week with flexitime.
- Opportunity to work on diverse and challenging projects.
- Supportive and collaborative work environment.
- Opportunities for professional development and growth.
How to Apply: If you are a multi-skilled tradesperson with a passion for craftsmanship and a diverse skill set, Voove would love to hear from you. Please submit your CV or an email with your experience and suitability for the role to hr@voove.com
Front of House Server
Location: Benbecula
Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant
The Stepping Stone Restaurant are currently hiring a Front of House Server.
30 hours per week
5 days per week: Wednesdays to Sundays
30 hours or more per week, including some spilt shifts
Please inquire within or by emailing:
Lewis MacLean
Location: Benbecula
Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant
The Stepping Stone Restaurant are currently hiring a Cleaner.
12 hours per week
Flexible shift pattern
Benefits package includes: competitive rates of pay, company pension, staff meals & paid overtime is available
Please inquire within or by emailing:
Lewis MacLean
Relief Early Years Support Worker
Location: South Uist
Company: Cothrom Òg
Cothrom Òg are seeking suitable candidates to join their supply list in Cothrom Òg Early Learning and Childcare setting.
The post is rewarding and requires an energetic, caring person who can speak Gaelic and would be able to work as part of their team.
Hours are offered on an as and when required basis. Pay rates dependent on experience and qualifications
Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss this post by contacting Ceiteag MacDonald on ceiteag@cothrom.net or phoning 01878 700912
Administrative Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: Neil Campbell / Uist Hardware
Uist Hardware are currently recruiting an Administrative Assistant.
(40 hrs/week)
Please email your application and CV to:
Office Manager
Location: Benbecula
Company: Neil Campbell / Uist Hardware
Uist Hardware are currently recruiting an Office Manager.
(40 hrs/week)
Please email your application and CV to:
Location: Benbecula
Company: Neil Campbell / Uist Hardware
Uist Hardware are currently recruiting an Electrician.
(40 hrs/week)
Please email your application and CV to:
Kitchen Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Kildonan Cafe
Kitchen assistant wanted!
Kildonan Cafe are looking to hire a second kitchen assistant, someone who is able to work from 1pm til 7pm. Job includes baking, cooking all items on our menus, burgers, pizza etc, prepping for the next few days as well general cleaning and tidying jobs you’d expect in a kitchen.
Hours and wages to be discussed
Someone with their own car is preferred but not necessary so long as you can get yourself home.
If you want to apply please email your CV over to kildonancafe1@gmail.com or ring 07488262884
Location: Benbecula
Company: Macleans Bakery
2 Full Time Positions
39 hours per week over 5 days
Macleans Bakery are looking for 2 Bakers to join their busy production team. Relevant experience is preferred but full training will be given. Candidates must be available to work a shift pattern which includes early mornings and Sundays.
Salary: up to £28,392 per annum / £14 per hour depending on experience.
Benefits Package includes: Company Pension, Staff Meals & Discount, Paid Overtime
Please inquire within or by emailing:
(Allan MacLean, Managing Director)
Front of House
Location: Lochmaddy
Company: Lochmaddy Hotel
Lochmaddy Hotel are currently looking for Front of House/Bar/Waiting staff.
“To assist and serve in our busy bar and restaurant, good communication skills and a team player essential. Will be trained in epos (till) systems, Barista, drink pouring and all aspects of bar and restaurant work.”
Full time 40 plus hours per week over a varied shift pattern but mainly covering evenings.
The Perks …
Hourly Rate above Living wage and dependant on experience Level
Fantastic Island environment
Free accommodation in Large private Double room in shared flat (4 persons max) (shared kitchen & Bathroom)
Free meals and drinks whilst on shift
Pension scheme optional
Tip Share
Please email Lorna@lochmaddyhotel.co.uk or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.
Breakfast/Prep Chef
Location: Lochmaddy
Company: Lochmaddy Hotel
Lochmaddy Hotel are currently recruiting a breakfast/prep chef.
Full time working 5 from 7days, 6am till 12 mid-day.
Cooking to order breakfasts for 15 – 30 covers and assisting with kitchen prep.
Must have a pleasant personality and able to communicate with guests and customers, Team members and the public.
High Standard of hygiene practice required at all times.
On the job training available to the right candidate with a positive attitude.
Please email Lorna@lochmaddyhotel.co.uk or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.
Front of House Server
Location: Benbecula
Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant
30 hours per week
5 days per week: Wednesdays to Sundays
30 hours or more per week.
£13.40 per hour
Benefits Package includes:
Company Pension,
Staff Meals & Paid Overtime
Please inquire within or by emailing:
Lewis MacLean
Modern Apprentice – Business & Administration
Location: South Uist
Company: Cothrom Re-Store
Are you aged 16-24 and looking for an opportunity to gain on the job experience whilst working towards a qualification? If so, a Business & Administration Modern Apprenticeship within Cothrom Restore could be what you are looking for…
For more information, please email enquiries@cothrom.net or phone 01878 700910
Askernish Golf Club Worker
Location: South Uist
Company: Askernish Golf Club
With the Askernish Golf Club opening from April – October, they are now looking for enthusiastic & driven individuals to join their team.
Flexible hours during the season
Applicants must be trustworthy and enjoy interacting with the public
Training will be provided, an interest in golf is not essential.
Real living wage employer.
If you are interested or would like information, please email Allan – allan.macdonald@storasuibhist.com
Receptionist/Front of House
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Waiting Staff
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Part Time Bar Staff
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Head Bar Person
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Kitchen Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Breakfast Cook
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
2nd Chef/Cook
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Housekeeping Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Head Housekeeper
Location: South Uist
Company: Borrodale Hotel
Serving Staff
Location: South Uist
Company: Lochboisdale Hotel
Lochboisdale Hotel are currently looking for serving staff. Please send an email to kazamac@yahoo.com for more details and information.
Kitchen Porters
Location: North Uist
Company: Temple View Hotel
Are you looking for some extra income over the summer months? Temple View Hotel are looking to increase their team of Kitchen Porters.
“Good rate of pay on offer and an opportunity to be part of a small, hard working team with a forward thinking vision.”
Seasonal position, March/April until September/October.
Evening shifts mainly Monday to Sunday.
Give them a call 01876 580676 or email them directly at info@templeviewhotel.co.uk for more information.
Housekeeping Staff
Location: North Uist
Company: Temple View Hotel
Are you looking for some extra income over the summer months? Temple View Hotel are looking to increase their team of Housekeepers.
“Good rate of pay on offer and an opportunity to be part of a small, hard working team with a forward thinking vision.”
Seasonal position, March/April until September/October.
Flexible hours Monday to Sunday.
Servicing and changeovers of bedrooms and cleaning of public areas.
Give them a call 01876 580676 or email them directly at info@templeviewhotel.co.uk for more information.
Location: North Uist
Company: North Uist Estate Trust
North Uist Estate are looking for an enthusiastic, conscientious person who has a wide range of interests and abilities to join their team. The Gamekeeper will assist the Head Keeper on their shoots, general maintenance tasks and be involved in developing the Estate’s other sporting and environmental interests.
Applicants should have good communication skills, enthusiasm and be self-motivated and safe-aware which are essential skills in managing the land, sportings and supporting our crofting community. It would be preferable to have had previous experience in a similar role.
Accommodation with dog kennels is provided.
Essential certificates for the post:
· Full driving Licence
· Shotgun Certificate
For job description and application form please contact:
Estate Factor, North Estate Office, Lochmaddy, North Uist, HS6 5AA
Tel: 01876 500329
Email: info@northuistestate.co.uk
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Royal Mail Leave Reserve
Location: Benbecula
Company: Royal Mail
A great opportunity to join the Royal Mail team on the Isle of Benbecula is now open to application.
The role involves covering the 6 duty holders annual leave and sick leave. A full year annual leave plan is in place but sick leave cover may be at short notice.
Working days / hours:
2 to 5 days a week depending on what duties are needing covered. Start time 08:00 and finish time 15:24 but an element of flexibility is required at times when aircraft arrivals are late or mail volumes are high.
Initially the successful applicant will be on boarded via an agency then converted to Royal mail contract provided performance standards are achieved.
Full training will be provided and there will also be the opportunity to be trained on airside operations at Benbecula airport. Local knowledge is preferred but not essential. Full UK driving licence is required with no more than 6 points.
To apply please email the below address with your contact details and a little bit about yourself.
Catering Assistant
Location: North Uist
Company: The Wee Cottage Kitchen
The Wee Cottage Kitchen are looking for one Full/Part time member to join their lovely little team.
Duties will include food preparation, basic cooking, taking orders both at the hatch and on the phone, making milkshakes and hot drinks. Weekday shifts, 9.30am-3.30pm and a competitive hourly rate of pay
Previous kitchen/server experience would be an advantage. Essential training will be given.
Applicant should be comfortable working in a fast paced environment and able to work well in a close knit team.
Applicant may be required to work Saturdays.
Own transport would be an advantage.
If you think this job could be for you, or if you have any questions, they would love to hear from you! Please private message them on social media or drop an email to theweecottagekitchen@hotmail.com
“We Look forward to hearing from you!”
Read Uist Beò’s story on the Wee Cottage Kitchen here:
Seasonal Kitchen Porter
Location: Berneray
Company: Berneray Shop & Bistro
Berneray Shop & Bistro are looking for Part-time Kitchen Porters or a Full time Kitchen Porter to join their hard working and happy team starting on the 15th April until the 28th of September. They are willing to work around your family life and hobbies.
The job description will be to wash dishes, pots and pans etc before loading them into the dishwasher, cleaning kitchen equipment and you will need to keep the floors clean. You will be working alongside their Head Chef and the Kitchen Assistant.
No experience necessary as training will be given. They offer good pay and meals/ soft drinks/ coffees will be provided on the job as a wee extra bonus.
If you are interested in part time or full time work, please email Abi at bernerayshopandbistro@gmail.com or call 01876 540288.
Mechanical Technician
Location: South Uist
Company: QinetiQ
As a Mechanical Technician, you will be responsible for the preparation, maintenance and operation of the Banshee Jet80, Propeller Banshee and Firejet aerial target systems.
Day-to-day, in addition to preparing the targets you will also be required to maintain and operate their complex launcher systems and also set up and maintain all of their associated radio control equipment.
- Build, functional test, repair and disassembly of aerial targets and associated payloads, in accordance with operator manuals and service bulletins.
- Problem solving and fault diagnosis on targets and launchers including complex electrical, mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems.
- Handling and preparing pyrotechnics.
- Conducting target retrieval from recovery areas.
- Engine ground running.
- Maintenance of all Ground Support Equipment where specified.
- Use of specialist towing and lifting equipment for target movement.
Working in a small team you must be proactive and self-motivated to work unsupervised when required.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Primary Health Care Experience
Location: South Uist
Company: South Uist Medical Practice
South Uist Medical Practice are currently offering primary health care experience as an ‘Earn as your Learn’ opportunity.
This opportunity presents regular work that will help both the practice and the local community as well as support your CV and portfolio.
The role will involve reception, administration and dispensary work, alongside existing staff and the clinicians in the practice and out in the community. The commitment would be daytime hours and week days only.
For further information please contact Fiona
They can also put you in touch with students currently working in the Practice.
Location: South Uist
Company: Polochar Inn
The Polochar Inn are currently recruiting staff across all aspects of hospitality (chefs, housekeeping, front of house).
– Stunning location
– Great people
– Flexible hours
– Full time & part time vacancies
– Live-in available (if required)
– Friendly & supportive working environment
– Staff discounts
– Competitive salary, plus equal share of tips
Find a role where you can build an exceptional experience for yourself by emailing: info@polocharinn.com
Location: South Uist
Company: Polochar Inn
The Polochar Inn are currently recruiting staff across all aspects of hospitality (chefs, housekeeping, front of house).
– Stunning location
– Great people
– Flexible hours
– Full time & part time vacancies
– Live-in available (if required)
– Friendly & supportive working environment
– Staff discounts
– Competitive salary, plus equal share of tips
Find a role where you can build an exceptional experience for yourself by emailing: info@polocharinn.com
Front of House
Location: South Uist
Company: Polochar Inn
The Polochar Inn are currently recruiting staff across all aspects of hospitality (chefs, housekeeping, front of house).
– Stunning location
– Great people
– Flexible hours
– Full time & part time vacancies
– Live-in available (if required)
– Friendly & supportive working environment
– Staff discounts
– Competitive salary, plus equal share of tips
Find a role where you can build an exceptional experience for yourself by emailing: info@polocharinn.com
Network eSgoil Secondary & GME Primary Supply Teachers Operative
Location: Any location in Scotland
Company: e-Sgoil
’S e iomairt-ionnsachaidh air loidhne nàiseanta a th’ ann an e-Sgoil, stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais, a tha ag amas air co-ionannachd ann an roghainnean curraicealach ann an sgoiltean. Chaidh e a chruthachadh cuideachd mar aithneachadh air mar a bhios daoine òga a’ fuireach agus ag ionnsachadh an latha an-diugh. An dèidh coinneamh aghaidh ri aghaidh an toiseach a leigeas dha sgoilearan agus luchd-teagaisg eòlas a chur air a chèile, thèid a’ mhòr-chuid den teagasg a dhèanamh tro Microsoft Teams, inneal co-labhairt bhideo eadar-ghnìomhach. Gheibhear na h-innealan-teagaisg eile tro Glow. Thathar a’ toirt seachad trèanadh agus taic-teicnigeach dhan luchd-teagaisg.
“Thathar a’ lorg luchd-teagaisg an-dràsta bho air feadh Alba, no fiù ’s bho àitichean eile, aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith a’ cur an ainmean sìos air liosta-sòlair airson cuspairean far a bheil gainne luchd-teagaisg againne, agus aig ùghdarrasan eile. Bhiodh stòr-dàta mar seo a’ leigeil dhuinn àitean bàn airson ùine ghoirid a lìonadh agus luchd-teagaisg a chur an dreuchd àite sam bith ann an Alba tòrr nas luaithe. Feumar clàradh slàn GTCS agus sgilean ICT. Ma tha sibh an-dràsta ann an dreuchd pàirt-ùine no air ur dreuchd a leigeil dhibh bho chionn ghoirid, agus ma tha ùidh agaibh ann a bhith ag obair gu sùbailt, cuiribh fios thugainn. Faodaidh tagraichean a bhith stèidhichte àite sam bith ann an Alba. Chan eil feumalachdan ann a thaobh an àireamh de chlasaichean a dh’ fheumas sibh teagasg.”
Ma tha sibh airson barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu e-Sgoil, no teirmean agus cùmhnantan, faodar na ceanglachain a leughadh no fios a chur gu e-Sgoil, aig e-sgoil@gnes.net.
e-Sgoil, based in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, is a national on-line learning initiative geared to promoting equity in curricular choice in schools. It is also a response to the rapid change in the way our young people live and learn. After an initial face-to-face meeting which enables pupils and teachers to get to know each other, most of the teaching takes place through Microsoft Teams, an interactive, video-conferencing facility. The other teaching tools and resources required are available through the Glow suite. Training and technical back-up is provided for all staff.
“We are currently looking for teachers from anywhere in Scotland or indeed further afield, who are interested in having their names on a supply list for subjects in which we, and other local authorities, are experiencing staffing shortages. Having such a database will enable us to match people to temporary vacancies and allow for deployment anywhere in Scotland much more quickly. Full GTCS registration and confidence in using ICT is required. If you are currently employed part-time or recently retired and interested in working flexibly, we would like to hear from you. Potential applicants can be based anywhere in Scotland. There is no minimum requirement with regard to the number of periods you may wish to teach.”
Should you wish to find out more about e-Sgoil, or terms and conditions, you can view the attachments or contact e-Sgoil, on e-sgoil@gnes.net
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Parents at Work
Location: South Uist
Company: Cothrom
Cothrom are currently presenting a fantastic opportunity for parents to return to work and gain new skills.
Cothrom is looking for parents who want to return to the workforce, pursue a new career, or improve skills to scale up their position. They can tailor a programme to your needs and interests using their numeracy, literacy and ICT programmes, SQA qualifications and workshops. They can offer funded childcare hours in their nursery for you to pursue your goals. This is a 13 week flexible programme with potential work placements.
There are 5 spaces available. To sign up, please email: enquiries@cothrom.net
Location: Lochmaddy
Company: Hamersay/Lochmaddy Hotel
Harmersay/Lochmaddy Hotel are currently seeking a full time chef, seasonal or permanent. You will be joining a busy team, working at both their hotels in the village (within walking distance). You will need to demonstrate excellent hygiene and cooking skills. You will be required to work under pressure and be a good team player. Development of menus and good working practice is essential. You will be working with lots of seasonal and local produce.
Meals are provided whilst on shift and tips are shared. There is some limited staff accommodation available.
The hourly rate is above the new Living Wage from April.
Please email Lorna@lochmaddyhotel.co.uk or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.
Commis Chef
Location: Lochmaddy
Company: Hamersay/Lochmaddy Hotel
Harmersay/Lochmaddy Hotel are currently recruiting a Commis Chef to join their busy kitchen team and learn all aspects of kitchen work from their excellent chefs. This is a great opportunity for somebody looking to make their way into a cheffing career.
The position is Seasonal/Permanent – Full time. Team players are desired, with a willingness to learn, work well under pressure and take on responsibility.
Meals are provided whilst on shift and tips are shared. There is some limited staff accommodation available.
The hourly rate is above the new Living Wage from April.
Please email Lorna@lochmaddyhotel.co.uk or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.
Car Driver and Cleaner
Location: Liniclate
Company: Ask Car Hire
Ask Car Hire is looking for a motivated and enthusiastic individual to join their busy team, based in Liniclate.
They are looking for a car cleaner and driver – immediate start available. The role requires a full and clean driving license. The salary is negotiable.
To apply, please contact Katherine on 01870602818 or email: katherine@creagorry.me
Luchd-obrach Taigh-stàile / Distillery Operatives
Location: Benbecula
Company: Benbecula Distillery
’S ann ann a 2015 a bheachdaich Aonghas MacIlleMhaoil an toiseach air taigh-stàile a stèidheachadh ann am Beinn na Faoghla, a’ chiad taigh-stàile riamh an Uibhist. Tha sinn a-nis a’ sireadh luchd-obrach airson an taigh-stàile ùr againn ann an Gramasdal, Beinn na Faoghla, gus tòiseachadh air grùdadh san earrach 2024.
Bhiodh eòlas air obair timcheall air grùdaireachd, no einseannaireachd/meacanaigeachd no ciùird feumail ach chan eil e riatanach oir thèid trèanadh a thoirt seachad dha na tagraichean shoirbheachail, a’ leantainn gu teisteanas oifeigeil. Tha sinn a’ sireadh neach aig a bheil deagh dhol-a-mach agus a tha deònach ionnsachadh, le sgilean a thaobh fuasgladh cheist. Feumaidh iad a bhith comasach air obrachadh aoir an ceann fhèin no mar phàirt den sgioba ùr againn.
Tuarastal £28k-£35k a-rèir eòlas agus às dèidh trèanadh, le grunn shochairean eile.
Adhbhar na dreuchd
Eòrna a chaidh a bhrachadh, beirm agus uisge a ghiullachd gus alcol ùr
de chàileachd chòrdach a dhèanamh, ag obair ann an sioftaichean.
Cuideachadh le stòradh agus obraichean eile san taigh-stàile.
Prìomh dhleastanasan
A toirt a-steach
Stuthan a ghiullachd gus alcol a dhèanamh.
Cumail sùil agus clàradh de fhiosrachadh giullachd.
Deagh ìre de stiùireadh làraich a chumail suas.
Cuideachadh le obair stòraidh.
Cuideachadh le lìonadh thancairean agus clàradh de chunntasan
Cumail ri righailtean HMRC, Slàinte & Sàbhailteachd, sàbhailteachd bìdhe, sàbhailteachd biadh bheathaichean agus àrainneachd.
Obair taigh-stàile sam bith eile a tha a dhìth.
Cumhaichean obrach
Uairean bhliadhnail, 40 uair gach seachdain sa chumantas.
Obair-sioft a gabhail a-steach obair air an oidhche.
Dh’fhaoite gum bi uairean a bharrachd rin obrachadh a-rèir
feumalachdan a’ ghnìomhachais.
Dh’fhaoite gum bi obair a-muigh a dhìth, ’s dòcha ann an droch shìde.
Pròifil Pearsanta
Comasach air obrachadh air an ceann fhèin le deagh sgilean a
thaobh fuasgladh cheistean.
Deònach a bhith ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba.
Comasach air fiosrachadh a chlàradh gu mionaideach agus am
fiorachadh a chleachdadh ann an dòigh freagarrach.
Dìcheallach le aire aig ìre àrd a thaobh stiùireadh.
Deagh sgilean IT.
Bhiodh eòlas air grùdaireachd feumail ach bidh trèanadh ri fhaotainn.
Teisteanasan Fheumail
IBD General Certificate in Distillation.
Seòrsa dreuchd: Làn-ùine, Maireannach
Tuarastal: £28,000 – £35,000 sa bhliadhna
Peinsean companaidh
Sgeama Cycle to work
Pàirceadh an asgaidh
Pàirceadh air an làrach
Cuir CV le litir na chois gu angusa@benbeculadistillery.com no cuir fios gu Aonghas MacIlleMhaoil airson còmhradh dìomhair.
The concept of Benbecula Distillery was first considered in 2015 by founder Angus MacMillan, with the vision to open the first ever distillery in the Uists. Benbecula Distillery are now hiring operatives for their new distillery in Gramsdale Benbecula, as they start production in the spring of 2024.
Previous experience in a distillery type activity, or an engineering/mechanical or trades background is desirable but not essential, as training will be given for the right candidates, leading to a recognised qualification. The key qualities they are looking for are a positive attitude and willingness to learn, an ability to problem solve, and be able to work on your own initiative and as part of our new team.
Salary rage is £28k-£35k commensurate with previous experience, and after training, with a range of other benefits also offered as part of the package.
Purpose of Role
To process malted barley, yeast and water into new make spirit of a consistent quality on a shift working basis. Assist in warehousing and all other distillery operations.
Main Responsibilities
- Intake raw materials
- Process raw materials into alcohol
- Monitor and record process information.
- Maintain a good standard of site housekeeping.
- Assist with warehousing operations.
- Assist with tanker loading operations and take and record spirit accounts.
- Adhering to HMRC, health & Safety, food safety, animal feed safety and environmental compliance.
- Any other distillery operations as required.
Working Conditions
- Annualised hours, averaging 40 hours per week.
- Shift pattern includes night shift working.
- May be required to work additional hours as necessitated by the needs of the business.
- Can involve working in external conditions with exposure to extremes of weather.
Personal Profile
- Candidate will require to demonstrate good initiative and ability to problem solve.
- Good team worker.
- Good ability to accurately record data and act on results as necessary.
- Diligent with attention to maintaining high standard of housekeeping.
- IT literate.
- Previous Distillery Operator experience would be preferred however, not essential as full training would be provided.
Please visit either apply directly with a CV and covering letter to angusa@benbeculadistillery.com or get in touch with Angus MacMillan at Benbecula Distillery for a confidential discussion.
Clerical Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
The main purpose of this job is to provide clerical and administrative support to the various business units within the Assets section.
The postholder is one of a team were it is expected that all members of the team work closely together offering support to each other and at the same time being willing to cooperate with other members of staff within the department.
The applicant should be proficient in using word processing and spreadsheet software to create a wide variety of letters, documents, spreadsheets, and databases.
The applicant must be Educated to MA level 3 or equivalent experience of working in an office environment.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Bakery Assistants
Location: Benbecula
Company: MacLeans Bakery
Working in the bakery, on Fridays 2:30-5:30pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm.
Rate of pay: Dependant on age and experience.
Two part-time positions: 8.5 hours per week over 2 days.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: email Allan MacLean, Managing Director, macleanbakery@btconnect.com
Location: Benbecula
Company: MacLeans Bakery
Working at the bakery, on daytime shifts, Monday to Friday.
Basic salary: £26,000 per annum, increasing in April.
Full-time: 35 hours per week over 5 days.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: email Allan MacLean, Managing Director, macleanbakery@btconnect.com
Retail and Packaging Assistant
Location: Benbecula
Company: MacLeans Bakery
Duties include: serving customers, dealing with telephone and online orders, packing and labelling goods for sale.
Basic salary: £25,000 per annum, increasing in April.
Two full-time positions: 40 hours per week over 5 days.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: email Allan MacLean, Managing Director, macleanbakery@btconnect.com
Catering Assistant
Location: North Uist
Business: The Dunes Cabin
Previous catering/serving experience and Elementary Food Hygiene Certificate would be beneficial but not essential. Training will be provided.
Shifts are available from Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm. There can be flexibility on days and hours worked.
The Dunes Cabin are a Living Wage Employer.
If you’re interested in the post, please get in touch by emailing: thedunescabin@gmail.com, message their Facebook page or call Anne on 07379944335.
Distillery Manager
Location: Benbecula
Business: Benbecula Distillery – MacMillan Spirits Co.
Would you like to lead the day-to-day operations of a new and exciting distillery enterprise on Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides? As Distillery Manager, you’ll lead the distillery operations during the crucial initial phase of their 14-year production plan, driving sustainable success and making your mark in their history.
• Oversee all distillery operations to meet quality and budget targets
• Manage production for maximum yield and quality
• Efficiently handle maturation warehousing
• Ensure safety and regulatory compliance
• Implement continuous improvement
• Lead capital projects and asset maintenance, including proposed visitor centre.
• Manage, train and motivate a dedicated and experienced team
• Degree or equivalent in brewing/distilling, engineering, or science (preferred)
• Leadership experience in distillation or similar
• Knowledge of regulations and quality standards (SEPA, HMRC, HSE)
• Strong problem-solving and budgeting skills
The candidate:
• Strong leadership and time management
• Excellent communication skills
• Independent and team player
• Project and stakeholder management
Remuneration package (worth up to £65k):
• Competitive salary, based on experience
• Generous pension contribution
• Accommodation included
• Company car/car allowance
• Subsidised travel scheme
Please either apply directly with a CV and covering letter to angusa@benbeculadistillery.com or get in touch with Angus MacMillan at Benbecula Distillery for a confidential discussion.
Am bu toigh leat a bhith aig an stiùir air iomairt ùr inntinneach – taigh-stàile ann am Beinn na Faoghla sna h-Eileanan an Iar? Mar Mhanaidsear, bidh thu a’ stiùireadh obair an taigh-staile aig an ìre dheatamach seo den phlana 14-bliadhna aca, a’ stiùireadh soirbheachas sheasmhach agus bidh thu nad phàirt den eachdraidh aca.
A’ stiùireadh obair an taigh-staile gus targaidean càileachd is buidseit a choileanadh
Manaidseadh air cinneasachadh gus an toradh agus an càileachd as àirde fhaotainn
Làimhseachadh èifeachdach air stòradh nan casgan abachaidh
Uallach airson sàbhailteachd agus riaghlaidh
Cur an gnìomh leasachadh leantainneach
Stiùireadh air pròiseactan calpa agus air maoineachadh, a’ gabhail a-steach ionad luchd-tadhail a tha san amharc.
Stiùireadh, trèanadh agus brosnachadh air sgioba eòlach
• Ceum no leithid ann an grùdaireachd, innleadaireachd, no saidheans (iomchaidh)
• Eòlas air ceannardas ann an grùdaireachd no leithid
• Eòlas air riaghaltan agus inbhean càileachd (SEPA, HMRC, HSE)
• Sgilean làidir a thaobh fuasgladh-cheist agus buidseit
An neach soirbheachail:
• Ceannardas agus manaidseadh ùine làidir
• Sgilean conaltraidh air leth
• Ag obair gu neo-eisimeileach agus mar phàirt de sgioba
• Manaidsedh pròiseict agus luchd-uidhe
Pàigheadh agus sochairean (luach suas ri £65k)
• Tuarastal farpaiseach, tabhartas peinnsein fialaidh
• Àite-fuirich ri fhaotainn
• Càr companaidh/taic-airgid càr
• Sgeama siubhail le subsadaidh
Cuir litir le CV na chois gu angusa@benbeculadistillery.com no cuir fios gu Aonghas MacIlleMhaoil air Taigh-stàile Bheinn na Faoghla airson còmhradh dhìomhair.
Delivery Driver
Location: Uist
Company: Grillburger
Grillburger, Stornoway are currently seeking a full time Uist based delivery driver.
- Training provided
- Competitive salary
- Requires physical work
Please email jobs@grillburger.co.uk if you are interested in the position.
Taxi Driver
Location: South Uist
Company: AM/PM Taxis
AM/PM Taxis are looking for a new driver, primarily based in South Uist but likely driving all over. Hours are flexible and can be discussed. Please call/text Len Steele for more info on: 07398 327380
Sales/Admin Assistant
Location: South Uist
Company: Lovats Carnan Shop
Lovats Supermarket are currently advertising for Sales/Admin Assistant for their shop in Carnan. They are looking for applicants “with common sense, a friendly nature and able to work well both on your own and as a team member, with good personal hygiene”.
Hours available:
Full Time: 5 day week, 8 hour day
Part Time: 3 day week, 8 hour day
Please contact Lovats Supermarket, Carnan for more information: 01870610340
Volunteer with the Uist and Barra Foodbank
Location: The Bunker, East Camp, Balivanich, Benbecula.
Charity: The Uist and Barra Foodbank
The Uist and Barra Foodbank is seeking volunteers to help with donations, processing and distribution of food supplies across Uist and Barra. Current opening times are Monday 9.30am-1pm and Friday 12-3pm.
A volunteer at the foodbank, “enjoys Monday mornings just getting various donations sorted in to order and when required making up clients boxes or bags… It is also very satisfying to meet with clients and try to understand what they require from us at the foodbank. It’s also good to work with other like minded individuals.”
If you are interested in joining a dedicated and enthusiastic team to make a positive impact within your community, please email uistandbarrafoodbank@gmail.com or call 01870603819.
Retail Assistant
Location: Benbecula.
Company: MacLennans Supermarket
MacLennans Supermarket are currently looking for someone to join their team as a Retail Assistant. The role is part time – nights: Wed 5-8:30pm, Thu 5-8:30pm and Fri 5-8:30pm.
To find out more please call 01870602308 or email joanna@maclennanssupermarket.co.uk
Electrical and Electronic Technician
Location: South Uist
Company: QinetiQ
This is an opportunity to join the Hebrides Tracking Engineering Team, working in a world class Testing and Trials Evaluation environment, you will play a vital role in the maintenance, repair and operation, of a broad range of equipment, underpinned by a qualification in and practical working knowledge of electrical and electronic equipment.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Head Chef, Westford Inn
Location: North Uist
Company: The Westford Inn
The Westford Inn is an award winning pub / restaurant situated on the Isle of North Uist. We are looking for a Sole Chef to run our kitchen (ordering, menu planning, stock control, health safety and hygiene) Cooking with fresh local ingredients. Hands on owners who are a great support. A beautiful rural Island location. We are the only pub on the Island. CAMRA pub of the year Highlands & Islands 2023 This position is available until October 2024.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here
Adult Learning Tutor
Location: South Uist
Company: Cothrom
- Work with the Adult Learning Co-ordinator and Tutors to deliver good quality Adult Learning Services to learners.
- Plan and organise effective delivery of subject and programmes, including Literacy, numeracy, community-based adult learning and employability.
- Tutor in a relaxed, supportive setting according to individual need
- Employ a system of trainee evaluation, including initial assessment of training needs and regular progress reviews and exit reviews
- Maintain files and up to date record sheets
- Attend Annual General Meeting, Staff Meetings and any other Cothrom Events
- Carry out any other appropriate duties as deemed necessary by the Adult learning Co-ordinator
- Day Services Support
- Construction Skills Training
- Hospitality/Food and Drink Tutoring
- Employability Tutoring
- Paperwork Verification
Salary £12.36 per hour. Applications taken throughout the year.
Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here