
Uist Jobs

Promoting Environmental Action

Location: Uist

Company: CoDeL Directors

Closing Date: Thursday 16th January 2025

Salary: £20 an hour


7 hours a week for 6 months, with expectation to extend this contract if additional funding is awarded.


Uist Beò is excited to be recruiting the right person to the team with a particular focus on environmental work in Uist, supported by funding from the Pebble Trust. You will enable Uist Beò to (a) shine a light on what our islands are already doing to enable sustainable lifestyles, including traditional practices passed down the generations within Gaelic culture, and (b) encourage greater uptake of new innovations and traditional practices to make our lifestyles more sustainable and our local economy more self-reliant. The role will predominantly involve creating short audio, video and written materials, in Gaelic and English, to be posted on the Uist Beò platform, featuring positive environmental activity across Uist.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Community Nurse

Location: Benbecula

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Wednesday 18th December 2024

Salary: £31,892 – £39,735


22 hrs per Week

1 Year Fixed Term, Maternity Cover


NHS Western Isles  are seeking to employ a Registered Nurse to work with and complement their community nursing team in Uist. The primary purpose of this post will be to provide treatment room services across three sites in Uist as well as providing health care for a wide range of patients in their own homes and across all community settings including carehomes.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Bank Staff Nurse

Location: Benbecula

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary:£31,892 – £39,735


Hours as Required


NHS Western Isles seek to recruit Registered Nurses to join their BANK nursing teams in our Hospitals and Community in Uist & Barra. Applicants must be NMC registered and can be from General Nursing or Mental Health with the main locations being Uist & Barra Hospital and St Brendan’s Hospital, Barra.  These bank posts offer successful candidates the opportunity for continuing professional development in diverse and varied settings in both community and hospital settings and the ability to work independently is desirable but not essential for both areas.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Community Nurse

Location: North Uist

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Wednesday 11th December 2024

Salary: £31,892 – £39,735


37 hrs per Week


NHS Western Isles are seeking to employ a Registered Nurse to work with and complement their community nursing team in Uist. The primary purpose of this post will be to provide treatment room services across three sites in Uist as well as providing health care for a wide range of patients in their own homes and across all community settings including carehomes.



Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Class 1 Driver

Location: Uist

Company: DFDS


DFDS are looking for a reliable and experienced Class 1 Driver to join their team in Uist. This role involves operating curtainsiders and fridges to ensure the safe and timely delivery of goods.


You will be responsible for:

  • Safely operate Class 1 vehicles, including curtainsiders and fridges.
  • Assist with the loading and unloading of goods.
  • Communicate professionally with customers and colleagues.
  • Adhere to all road safety regulations and company policies.
  • Perform routine vehicle checks and report any issues.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Van/Class 2 Driver

Location: Uist

Company: DFDS


Are you an experienced driver looking for a new challenge in the beautiful surroundings of Uist? DFDS are hiring a Van/Class 2 Driver to join their dedicated team, delivering goods and providing outstanding service across the islands.


You will be responsible for:

  • Safely and efficiently operate a van or Class 2 vehicle to deliver goods across Uist and nearby areas.
  • Load and unload goods, ensuring safe handling and accurate delivery.
  • Maintain excellent customer service with all clients and delivery recipients.
  • Perform routine vehicle checks to ensure safety and compliance with road regulations.
  • Assist with logistics and warehouse operations as needed.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Homecare & Reablement Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £28,535 – £29,615 per hour pro rata


36.75 hours per week


The Home Care and Reablement Service is looking for care staff who are caring, compassionate and reliable to join our team of skilled staff to support people living in our communities and enabling them to continue living at home. The service aim is to ensure a very good or excellent standard of care and support is provided at all times, based on person centred planning, compassion, dignity, respect and trust. If you would like to make a difference in the lives of people living in your local community this post could be for you. This is an extremely rewarding role and is highly valued by the recipients of the service and the wider community.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Social Care Worker

Location: South Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £30,252 – £33,069 per year pro rata


20 hours per week


You will work enthusiastically as a member of a team that promotes and supports Adults with Support needs to maximise their inclusion, independence and planned outcomes. This can be within a variety of settings and include overnight support needs of a person where necessary.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Senior Social Care Worker

Location: South Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £35,673 – £39,493 per year


37 hours per week


You will supervise and manage staff within a social care setting and deputise in the absence of the Manager to ensure the operational running of the service and its compliance with the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. Experience of leadership in a social care setting and SVQ lll (or equivalent) is essential. In the absence of this you must have the ability to undertake and achieve this qualification 36 months after registration with the SSSC. You will work as part of a team on a shift basis.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £26,138 – £28,572 per year


37 hours per week, term time, temporary post


The post holder will be required, on a temporary basis, to provide quality catering service to all customers. Duties will include supervision of all duties by kitchen/dining room staff including use of effective rotas; preparation, cooking, garnishing and serving of all food to meet the standard specification; ordering, checking and correct storage of all commodities; keeping to budget and menu plans according to instructions; and ensure all staff are trained and records correctly maintained.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Dining Room Supervisor

Location: South Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £22,705 – £22,916 per year pro rata


5 hours per week


The post holder will be required for the supervision of pupils in the dining room during the lunch period. You will be responsible for the safety, welfare and good conduct of the pupils, assist younger pupils with handling of money, carrying trays and promote healthy choices to all pupils.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Nursery Key Worker, English Medium, Qualified

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £24,528 – £26,812 per annum, inclusive of £2,223 Distant Islands Allowance per annum


30 hours per week


You will plan a curriculum which supports and guides children’s all-round learning and development, and plan and organise the play session taking into account the needs of every child. You must have proven childcare experience working with young children and their families in an early years setting and a qualification that meets the Scottish Social Services Council’s requirements for Practitioners.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Supply Teacher

Location: Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £37,896 – £47,565 per year pro rata




Urgent requirement in secondary sciences, Gaelic Primary Teachers across all geographical areas but particularly Uist and Barra and Primary Teachers (English) across all geographical areas. The Education, Skills and Children’s Services Department operates a register of supply teachers willing to undertake short-term cover for teacher absences. The purpose of this post is to contribute to overall school effectiveness in respect of the following areas: (a)Curricular (b)Care and welfare (c)Collegiate (d)Professional development.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Apprentice – Social Services & Health Care

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 16th December 2024

Salary: £26,973 per annum (inclusive of £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance per annum)


37 uairean gach seachdain, cuingealaichte gu aon bhliadhna


Mar phreantas, gheibh thu trèanadh mar Neach-taice Cùraim Shòisealta ann an co-bhann ri prògram trèanaidh barrantaichte. Bheir seo an comas dhut a bhith ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba a bhios ag adhartachadh agus a’ cur taic ri Inbhich le Feumalachdan Taice gus an urrainn dhaibh goireasan ionadail a chleachdadh, gus an in-ghabhail, neo-eisimeileachd agus builean dealbhaichte a mheudachadh.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here

Support for Learning Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 9th December 2024

Salary: £3,791 – £3,935 per annum, inclusive of £364 Distant Islands Allowance per annum


5.84 hours per week, term time, fixed term to 27 June 2025


Feumaidh an neach a thèid fhastadh taic a thoirt do chloinn agus daoine òga le feumalachdan foghlaim a bharrachd (ASN). Bidh na leanas an lùib na h-obrach: a’ cuideachadh luchd-teagaisg ann a bhith tairgse taic foghlaim, cùram pearsanta agus feumalachdan soirbheis; a’ cumail fàire san raon chluiche / àm dìnearach; a’ dèanamh cìnnteach gum faigh gach sgoilear pàirt a ghabhail anns na suidhichidhean; a’ cur taic ri slàinte agus fallaineachd agus a’ leantainn stiùiridh Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here

Nursery Key Worker, Unqualified, Gaelic

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 9th December 2024

Salary: £28,535 – £29,615 per annum, inclusive of £2,742 Distant Islands Allowance per annum


37 hours per week, all year, fixed term to 21 May 2025


Ag obair tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, cumaidh sibh taic ri curaicealam a tha stiùireadh ionnsachadh is leasachadh chloinne san fharsaingeachd, agus a’ cur air dòigh seiseanan cluiche a’ toirt aire do dh’fheumalachdan gach pàiste.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here

Bank Cook / Chef

Location: Benbecula

Company: NHS Western Isles

Closing Date: Thursday 5th December 2024

Salary: £26,869 – £28,998 per annum (pro rata). Plus Distant Islands Allowance of £1,349 (pro rata)


Various hours as and when required


A rare opportunity has become available for a Bank Chef/Cook  to  join  NHS Western Isles’  existing  team at Uist & Barra Hospital. Duties  will  include  producing  and  serving  of  high  quality  meals  for  patients,  staff  and  external  customers.  You  will  also  be  required  to  supervise all operational  aspects  of  the  kitchen  and  associated  areas  inc.  deliveries  /  preparation  /  storage  rooms,  wash  up,  including  supervision  of  staff  working  in  these  areas.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Cleaner in Charge

Location: North Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 9th December 2024

Salary:£11,464 – £11,574 per annum, inclusive of £1,121 Distant Islands Allowance per annum


17.5 uair san t-seachdain, Teirm sgoile a-mhàin, Maireannach


Bidh an neach a thèid fhastadh an urra ri bhith stiùireadh luchd-glanaidh eile ’s dleastanasan glanadh san sgoil. Feumaidh e/i sùil a chumail air na h-àiteachan a tha rin glanadh gach latha mus, fhad’s agus às dèidh, dhan obair a bhith dèanta gus a bhith cìnnteach gu bheil an obair a rèir ìre glanaid riatanach Chùmhnant; trèanadh a chur air dòigh do luchd-glanaidh ùr no pàirt-ùine agus sùil a chumail air uairean obrach luchd-glanaidh. Feumaidh e/i a bhith a’ glanadh àiteachan a th’ air an sònrachadh san sgoil mar bhall de sgioba gus dèanamh cìnnteach gu bheil iad glan agus snasail.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here

Kitchen Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Monday 9th December 2024

Salary: £15,626 – £15,780 per annum, inclusive of £1,560 Distant Islands Allowance per annum


25 hours per week, term time, maternity cover


Bidh aig an neach a gheibh an obair ri dleastanasan cidsin coitcheann a choileanadh ann an cidsin agus seòmar-bìdh na sgoile. Bidh na dleastanasan a’ gabhail a-steach na leanas: deasachadh bìdh, a’ gabhail a-steach còcaireachd shìmplidh agus frithealadh bìdh, greimeannan bìdh agus deochan; làimhseachadh airgid, cleachdadh inneal airgid agus a’ lìonadh fhoirmichean; dèanamh cìnnteach gum bidh làimhseachadh bìdh a rèir reachdas Slàinteachas agus Slàinte Bìdh làthaireil, agus a rèir Poileasaidh Sàbhailteachd Bìdh na Comhairle.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here

Community Engagement Coordinator

Location: Grimsay

Company: Grimsay Community Association

Closing Date: Sunday 8th December 2024

Salary: £16 per hour


Self-employed and part-time, 16 hours a week, initially for 12 months.


GCA is looking to appoint an enthusiastic, creative person, with an interest in the culture and heritage of Uist, and in particular Grimsay, to plan and organise a programme of community workshops and events in GCA’s vibrant hub at Ceann na h-Àirigh. The post will also involve managing volunteers and expanding the team of volunteers.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information and English: Click here


Location: Uist

Company: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall

Closing Date: 4pm Thursday 5th December 2024

Salary: £32,000 pro rata


Fixed for two years, with pay review in year three. 

17.5hrs per week

3 year contract, with a view to extend.


The Comann Dualchas Innse Gall Manager will Line Manage two Development Officers, and support CDIG and partner organisations to deliver aspects of the Great Place Strategy (GPS) and its Action Plan.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Development Officer

Location: Uist

Company: Comann Dualchas Innse Gall

Closing Date: 4pm Thursday 5th December 2024

Salary: £28,000 P/A, (salary review at the end of year 2)


35 hrs per week

3 Year contract with a view to extend.


Key objectives include developing and delivering outcomes of the GPS and its Action Plan, joint marketing, communication and training, and the identification of funding and partnership opportunities for the heritage sector in the Outer Hebrides.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here

Domestic & Respite Workers

Location: Uist

Company: Tagsa Uibhist

Hourly rate: £14.54 (£15.17 with SVQ2)


Tagsa Uibhist are looking for new team members who are interested in doing Respite and/or Domestic services for their Service Users on a part time basis. Respite services means that you would keep one of the service users company for a few hours while their family members are away. Domestic services means that you would assist with cleaning and/or lighter household chores. Neither of these services include personal care.


If this sounds like something you would be interested in and you want to find out more, please contact Hanna on today.

Care Assistants

Location: North Uist

Company: Tagsa Uibhist


Hourly Rate: £14.54 (£15.17 w. SVQ2)

Travel time paid at hourly rate

Mileage (per mile): 56p

Up to 10,000 miles, after that 36p/mile


Tagsa’s Carers provide a range of services, such as assisting with meals, providing company to service users so their families can rest, providing personal care and assisting with medication. All training is provided, experience not essential.


For further queries and to apply, please contact Hanna on or call 01870 608907

Relief Social Care Assistants

Location: Uist

Company: Caraidean Uibhist SCIO


Do you have a spare hour in your week?
Maybe two?
Could you make a difference in someone’s life?
Caraidean Uibhist SCIO need befrienders.
PM Mags N Iain Macaskill if interested


Plant Administrator/QA Coordinator

Location: North Uist

Company: Uist ASCO


The Uist Asco Team is seeking a Plant Administrator/Quality Assurance Coordinator to assist the Plant Manager or Site Operation head in monitoring and maintaining the plant administration requirements and quality and food-feed safety programs. 


To further explore this opportunity, just submit your  application to Angus Ferguson, Plant Manager at 

Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Location: Benbecula

Company: Chinese Takeaway


The Chinese take away are looking to take on a member of staff, to help with answering the phone and taking orders.


This will be a part time position.


For more information please call Ivy on – 01870 602993

Distillery Operatives

Location: Benbecula

Company: Benbecula Distillery


The concept of Benbecula Distillery was first considered in 2015 by founder Angus MacMillan, with the vision to open the first ever distillery in the Uists. Benbecula Distillery are now hiring operatives for their new distillery in Gramsdale Benbecula.


Please visit either apply directly with a CV and covering letter to or get in touch with Angus MacMillan at Benbecula Distillery for a confidential discussion.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here


Location: North Uist

Company: Bayhead Fire Station


Cleaner required for Bayhead fire station
1 HR PER week at £12 per hour
Cleaning toilet and sweep/wash floor
Pm Lynne Macnab for more info

Private Carer

Location: South Uist


Please contact for more details.


HGV / PCV Technician

Location: South Uist

Company: HEBCO Mechanical Services LTD


Up to 40k Based on experience


HEBCO are looking for a qualified HGV / PCV Technician to join the team at their commercial workshop. They run a busy workshop looking after a wide range of commercial vehicles making sure they’re inspected, maintained and tested to the highest standards.


For anymore information or if you are interested in the position get in touch or submit your CV and cover letter for consideration:


Delivery Driver

Location: North Uist

Company: Co-op


Co-op home delivery drivers…


The Co-op are looking to recruit Uist-based  full and part time drivers. You must have a good knowledge of all areas North and South.


If this is you the Co-op provide uniform good rates of pay and benefits including staff discount


Contact Tracey Montgomery 

Retail Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: MacLennans Supermarket Ltd


MacLennans Supermarket are currently looking for a Retail Assitant to join their team.

Mon-Tues & Thurs-Sat (6am – 9am)

15 hours per week

To find out more please call on 01870 602308 or email


Admin Assistant

Location: Benbecula

Company: MacLennans Supermarket Ltd


MacLennans Supermarket are currently looking for an Admin Assitant to join their team.

(Maternity Cover)

Monday – Friday (9am- 1pm)

20 hours per week

To find out more please call on 01870 602308 or email


Location: Benbecula

Company: Creagorry Motors Ltd


Creagorry Motors Ltd is seeking an experienced mechanic for a busy garage/MOT testing station in Benbecula.


Permanent – Full time position

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

Salary – Negotiable depending on level of experience


For more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch / send a CV to or

Royal Mail Worker

Location: Benbecula

Company: Royal Mail


An opportunity to join the Royal Mail team in Balivanich is available for application. The role is to cover the duty holders leave throughout the year. During the initial training period of 8-10 weeks the role will be near full time hours then reducing to a minimum of 2 days a week. The role will include sorting, collection and delivery of Mail items. Ideally you should be physically fit and able to perform manual handling tasks.


If you are interested in applying or would like to ask questions please email:

Supply Teachers

Location: Uist

Company: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar

Closing Date: Tuesday 31st December 2024


Urgent requirement in secondary sciences, Gaelic Primary Teachers across all geographical areas but particularly Uist and Barra and Primary Teachers (English) across all geographical areas. The Education, Skills and Children’s Services Department operates a register of supply teachers willing to undertake short-term cover for teacher absences. The purpose of this post is to contribute to overall school effectiveness in respect of the following areas: (a)Curricular (b)Care and welfare (c)Collegiate (d)Professional development.



Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh/for more information: Click here




Location: Uist

Company: Self Employed / Support from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar


Now is your chance to start your own childminding business in Uist! Provide care, fun, and play opportunities for children in your community. Interested?


There is plenty of support and guidance to start your journey. Please get in touch with: or call 01851822655 for more information.


On Call Firefighters

Location: Uist

Company: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are currently recruiting on-call Firefighters.

Are you…

18 years or over?

Eligible to work in the UK?

Physically fit?

Close to your local station?

Do you have good unaided vision and colour perception?

If you are interested, The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service want to hear from you. They are seeking to attract talented candidates from across Scotland’s diverse communities. Please email:

For info on how to apply, visit:


Location: Uist/Hybrid

Company: South Uist Distillers Co


South Uist Distillers Co are looking for someone to work within sales/marketing/promotion. Initially, this is a part-time job for the summer.

They are looking for someone who is interested in what they are trying to do and who is excited by their project.
Ideally the candidate will have their driver’s license.
Drop an email to if you are interested.

Relief Cleaner

Location: North Uist

Company: Taigh Chearsabhagh


Permanent | £12 per hour | 33 x 3.5 hour days, per year


Taigh Chearsabhagh  are looking for someone to join the cleaning staff rota, helping to keep Taigh Chearsabhagh looking its best and staying safe. This is a permanent position providing relief cover for staff holidays. This role includes Saturday working as a routine day. You may occasionally be asked to work evenings and Sundays as part of this role.


To apply to join the Taigh Chearsabhagh team, please email a cover letter and CV to with the subject line “Relief Cleaner”, or send a video or sound recording if preferred. There is no deadline but they would encourage you to get in touch as soon as you can.

Front of House Server

Location: Benbecula

Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant


30 hours per week


5 days per week: Wednesdays to Sundays

30 hours or more per week, including some spilt shifts


Please inquire within or by emailing:

Lewis MacLean


Location: Benbecula

Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant


12 hours per week

Flexible shift pattern

Benefits package includes: competitive rates of pay, company pension, staff meals & paid overtime is available


Please inquire within or by emailing:

Lewis MacLean

Front of House

Location: Lochmaddy

Company: Lochmaddy Hotel


Full time 40 plus hours per week over a varied shift pattern but mainly covering evenings.


To assist and serve in the bar and restaurant Good communication skills and a team player essential. Will be trained in epos (till) systems, Barista, drink pouring and all aspects of bar and restaurant work.”


Please email or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.

Breakfast/Prep Chef

Location: Lochmaddy

Company: Lochmaddy Hotel


Full time working 5 from 7days, 6am till 12 mid-day.


Cooking to order breakfasts for 15 – 30 covers and assisting with kitchen prep.


Please email or call 01876 500331 to enquire about the position.

Front of House Server

Location: Benbecula

Company: The Stepping Stone Restaurant


5 days per week: Wednesdays to Sundays

30 hours or more per week.

£13.40 per hour



Please inquire within or by emailing:

Lewis MacLean

Serving Staff

Location: South Uist

Company: Lochboisdale Hotel


Please send an email to for more details and information.



Primary Health Care Experience

Location: South Uist

Company: South Uist Medical Practice


South Uist Medical Practice are currently offering primary health care experience as an ‘Earn as your Learn’ opportunity.


The role will involve reception, administration and dispensary work, alongside existing staff and the clinicians in the practice and out in the community. The commitment would be daytime hours and week days only.


For further information please contact Fiona

Volunteer with the Uist and Barra Foodbank

Location: The Bunker, East Camp, Balivanich, Benbecula.

Charity: The Uist and Barra Foodbank


The Uist and Barra Foodbank is seeking volunteers to help with donations, processing and distribution of food supplies across Uist and Barra. Current opening times are Monday 9.30am-1pm and Friday 12-3pm.


If you are interested in joining a dedicated and enthusiastic team to make a positive impact within your community, please email or call 01870603819.