Lochmaddy Bay Prawns
“Everything is a brochan at the moment” might be the understatement of the century when you come to think of the last few years, especially for the fishing industry.
Not only has leaving the European Union caused a monumental shift in markets and the industry, but the global pandemic and latest HMPA proposals are also rocking the boat! Tina Nicholson and her husband DA have faced their maritime challenges head on and have found ways to look, and work, on the bright side. “Most people have hard stories coming out of Covid19 but there’s always something positive to look at. You just have to go with the wave.”
Tha sàbhailte a ràdh gu bheil bliadhna uabhasach doireabh air a bhith aig ar n-iasgairean leis na tha air tachairt. Ach, a dh’aindeoin pandemic no Brexit tha Lochmaddy Bay Prawns air an aghaidh a chuir ris na duilgheadasan a th’ air a bhith aca, agus tha iad air tighinn roimhpe.
“You just ride through it, it’s just a storm. The last year has shown a lot of resilience, you have to bite back pretty quick, especially with the fishing. You do get bad weather, or problems with the gear, or the odd breakdown, but it’s different when your livelihood is taken out of your control, with over 1000 creels. It’s the unknown of how long is it going to have an impact for”
Tha seusain an iasgaich air a chuir bun os cionn ach cha do chuir seo stad air Lochmaddy Bay Prawns air a bhliadhna seo. Gun fhios cuin a ghabhadh maorach a chreic gu maragaid an Rionn Eorpa agus gun chead an eilean fhàgail, rinn Tina agus DA suas an inntinn na mùsgan-caol a chreic ri muinntir an àite. Rud a chòrd glan ri sluagh Uibhist.
“He didn’t want to start social media and all that” says Tina, “but the times had changed so we had to adapt. So that’s when we set up Lochmaddy Bay Prawns. People thrived on the special offers going up every week and they loved the pictures on the page. People also really like to upload their own pictures and get creative with their displays.”
Tina and DA have enjoyed bringing people together online to share their enjoyment of their catch. “It’s very rewarding seeing posts online and seeing other people’s delight. He’s caught it, we’ve processed it, packaged it, it’s arrived with a customer and they’re excited and you’ve made people happy. People do all sorts of displays with the prawns and it’s great to see.”
“You just ride through it, it’s just a storm.
Tha air a bhith na thlachd dhaibhsan a bhith a cumail an aire air a bhith ag oibair airson muinntir an àite agus tha air cuideachd air brath a ghabhail air na tha ri dhèanamh air an Eilean. “Supporting locals is very important and if the locals ask, they will always get. We even went for a staycation to Langass last year, it felt like being away without the tiredness of the long journey to the mainland. It’s great to support, and be supported locally”
There are exciting times ahead for the Nicholson’s now as they have added a new vessel to the Lochmaddy Bay Prawn fleet, their new silver airstream trailer which offers prawns to go. Make sure you visit the 2go trailer where you can buy fresh prawns in tubs to take home or enjoy a prawns dish for the day. Excitingly, the trailer will also have a Mr.Whippy ice cream machine to add to their exciting menu.
Mu tha sibhse airson ar làmhan fhaighinn air maorach Lochmaddy Bay Prawns, gabhaidh sin deanamh air-loidhne agus cuideachd air fòn. Local seafood can be ordered by calling Lochmaddy Bay Prawns and through social media and on their new website.
Do visit their new website to order and keep up to date with the events you will see them at. www.lochmaddybayprawns.co.uk
“It’s about making people happy at the end of the day.”