Seasonal Cleanse
It’s that time of Year again. Halloween is just around the corner and it’ll soon be Christmas. It seems that October has become the beginning of an unhealthy marketing campaign that can carry us unsuspecting sugar addicts right through to Easter and beyond.
The darker nights, the drop in temperature and the blustery weather can be a good excuse but why don’t we take account of our own wellbeing and build a new norm that aligns with circadian rhythm. This season can take the blame for a multitude of unwanted symptoms; weight gain, winter bulge, depression, winter blues, lethargy – the good ol’ winter Slump. The run up to Christmas can be really tough for lots of reasons leaving many people vulnerable to illness and poor mental health. We all know that dreaded feeling at the start of the New Year – and no wonder, we’ve been led down the garden path of a winter over indulgence for years. How about energy, clarity, focus, integrity, lets think about these qualities instead.
Judith MacDonald is inviting you to embark on a Seasonal Cleanse. This is an opportunity to pause. This is an opportunity to live easefully through winter with a fresh perspective in which you are empowered with boosted immunity and life awareness that will consciously engage the mind and body in a balanced and joyful way.
The standard overwhelm of January blues is a classic symptom of how our culture breeds stress during a season in which we should be de-stressing and resting. We can learn a lot from the Danish culture of Hygge.
Judith, founder of Yoga For Life Hebrides is inviting you to take part in a guided 3 week Seasonal Cleanse to kick-start your winter rejuvenation. Side step the tidal wave of the lethargic downward spiral and join Judith virtually from the 30th of October. The purpose of the Seasonal Cleanse is to kick start an immersive healing experience over a dedicated period. Take more from the inside than the outside world. Simplify.
Habitual comforting eating, excessive drinking and the crippling societal pressures to spend, spend and spend more can create stress. These cultural norms may have well spanned the previous 3 months and you feel rotten after. We can change these habits and you can choose your own traditions.
The Seasonal Cleanse will guide you to slow down, reflect and grow. The process of creating space in mind, body and environment opens up the opportunity for you to heal and process. Doing a seasonal cleanse does not mean you set yourself up for a winter of no chocolate or wine etc. We’re here to give you the power so that you will not be ruled by these things. Start the winter from a place of integrity and insight to yourself, leading you to make healthier choices with happier outcomes.
Judith will send you a cleanse kit with everything you need to follow; a herbal gut-reset and Ayurvedic pack (including a copper tongue scraper, neti pot/nasal rinse, caster oil body wrap, Himalayan sea salt & 20ml syringe). Each person is different and each person will curate their own cleanse plan to suit their health and lifestyle needs. Before kick off, Judith will share a welcome pack with worksheets and in depth cleanse information as well as providing you with a 30min health coaching call to support you to get clear about your health goals.
Take this winter to tend to you and your life.
Beat the winter slump and join Judith to heal. Nevermind the norms, the Seasonal Cleanse can help you gain life awareness, a perspective from a place of calm giving you the power to live life through this time of year in a more fulfilling way. We can not control our circumstances but we can choose where to spend our energy.
To book contact Judith directly on 07967002242 or through Follow her on instagram @yogaforlifehebrides.