A Place of Opportunity
Uist’s economic landscape is diverse and inspiring, our islands contain micro-businesses start-ups, thriving corporations and everything in between
![A teenage boy in a red jacket and blue jeans stands on a single track road, with grass either side](https://uist.co/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Seonaidh-1-of-6-s.jpg)
Maybe you are an entrepreneur looking for somewhere to grow your business, or a school leaver ready to embark on your first venture. From the kitchen table to the factory floor, Uist is a vibrant and dynamic place with enterprise and innovation at its heart.
Have a look at the network of business support that is available on the islands, from networking groups to funders, and take the next step in developing or starting your business venture.
Nach toir sibh sùil air an lìonra de taic gnìomhachais a tha ri faigheann anns na h-eileanan, agus gabh an ath cheum gus toiseachadh an iomairt ùr agad fhèin.
‘S dòcha gu bheil thu nad entrepeneur le d’ shùil air àite far am fàs do malairt, no ‘s dòcha gu bheil thu dìreach air an sgoil fhàgail agus beachd agad air do chiad iomairt. Bhon bòrd a chidsin, chun an factaraidh, ‘s e àite beòthail a th’ ann ‘s na eileanan againn. Chan eil eagal oirnn ro obair chruaidh agus tha ar gnìomhachais aig chridhe a ghnothaich.
Bho mheanbh-ghnothachais gu corporaidean agus iomairtean ùra, tha cruth-tìre iomadh-nàdarrach eacanomaigeach ann an Uibhist.
Related stories & resources
Job Opportunities
Chan e àite airson entrepeneur a-mhàin a th’ ann an Uibhist, tha ar coimhearsnachd air a neartachadh tron obair chruaidh a tha tidsearan, dotairean, luchd-altraim, obraichean-cùraim, ailtirean agus innleadairean a’ dèanamh. Tha obraichean-TF, obraichean-coimhearsnachd agus seirbheisean shìobhalta ri dhèanamh agus tha tòrr de chothroman ann a thaobh obraichean Gàidhlig cuideachd.
Have a look at the job opportunities we post regularly on Uist Beò social media, and the stories on this website from people who have brought their careers to Uist.
Are you a business or organisation with a vacancy in Uist? Get in touch to have it featured on our ever-growing social media networks.
Are you looking to continue your career somewhere new, somewhere life merges in unexpected ways, where work/life balance comes a little easier and you are part of a thriving community, where the drive to work will take your breath away?
If so, Uist could be the place for you.