Business & Investment Opportunities
Local businesses are core to our communities and local economy. Many were set up by individuals and couples, which were then continued through local investment on their retirement: Hebridean Jewellery is owned by its workers; Salar Salmon eventually saw a management buy-out. Bayhead Shop was taken over the the local bakery. See some opportunities below to create your own Uist local business legacy.
Orasay Inn- Isle of South Uist

Attractive and substantial fully licenced inn located in a beautiful trading position with stunning views.
Trades throughout the year generating excellent profitability and turnover.
The Orasay Inn has an excellent reputation for great food.
Offers a modern restaurant with 9 attractive and individual en-suite letting bedrooms, external seating areas and generous guest parking.
Spacious and comfortable owner’s accommodation is available together with well-equipped service areas and plenty of storage to support the business activities.
Offers Over £425,000 (Freehold)
Visit here for more information

Lochboisdale Units- Isle of South Uist

Are you a business or community group looking for suitable premises? What if Stòras Uibhist could help you find somewhere and you didn’t have to pay any rent for up to one year?
As part of the Lochboisdale Strategic Visioning project, Stòras Uibhist are working in collaboration with the owner of Units 1/2/3 to offer these units with a rent free period for up to one year (subject to terms and conditions).
If you would like more information or to register your interest, please email with details of your proposal by 30th September 2023.

Do you enjoy working with children? Do you want to be your own boss with working hours to suit your family?
The Early Years Partnership is available to support anyone who wishes to register as a childminder with practical and financial support. There is a £250 start up grant available and Scottish Childminders Association (SCMA) start up pack which you will receive once you are registered. In addition to the start up grant there is currently grant funding of up to £500 available on an annual basis.
They are looking for childminders across Uist, Barra and Harris who can offer the service through the medium of English or Gaelic.
Register your interest by completing the questionnaire attached in the link below.
Complete this questionnaire
If you would like further information about becoming a registered childminder, please contact Janice MacKay in the Early Years Office on 01870604898 or at
Stepping Stones Restaurant- Benbecula

A rare opportunity to purchase this licenced restaurant centrally located in Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula. Set in a prominent central location The Stepping Stone is a ready made established business, however offers scope for future growth and improvement.
The Stepping Stone is a popular and well established restaurant set within the heart of Balivanich. The restaurant, which seats up to 78 covers, is set within a prominent location on the main road through Balivanich which forms part of Hebridean Way walking/cycle route.
The restaurant opened in 1997 after the current owners identified a lack of dining facilities in and around Benbecula. Due to the central location of the restaurant, its is an ideal “Stepping Stone” between North & South Uist. The unique design of the building was created by architect Donald
The Stepping Stone has traded profitably for over 20 years with an excellent reputation for providing a high standard of catering with much repeat custom from local clientele. The licensed restaurant is open 7 days per week year round.
Find out more information here

Our featured stories highlight many brilliant businesses started in Uist. Check them out and use them as inspiration for your own enterprise.