Our Guide to Uist’s Primary and High Schools
Spread across the Islands, you’ll find 4 primary schools in Uist and one high school based in Benbecula.

Going to school in Uist is a unique experience, firstly because due to the strong Gaelic culture here, each school offers pupils the chance to learn in Gaelic medium as well as English. There are also days on the beach, trips to other islands and the chance to study courses such as boat building and maritime studies. Learn more about each school, locations and contact details below.

More Information
Find contact details, information for pupils and enrollment details over on the official CnES Website here

Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
The £8.8 million new school building, designed by 3D Reid, is only 5 years old and serves around 100 pupils and 60 nursery pupils.

Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich
Based in Baliavanich, the main settlement on Benbecula, Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich has around 150 children and 60 nursery pupils.
Similarly to North and South Uist, Sgoil Bhaile a’ Mhanaich has a modern building designed by 3DReid and replaced the old Balivanich primary in 2011.
You can find everything about the primary school, including curriculum, school news, extra curricular activities and contact details, over on their website.

Sgoil Lionacleit
Sgoil Lionacleit, otherwise known as Liniclate School, serves secondary aged children in the Uist. The school building opened in 1988 and also contains the community library, public swimming pool and gym.
Sgoil Lionacleit is based in Benbecula, with school buses bringing pupils from all over Uist to Lionacleit. Depending on where they live, this can mean anything from 5 minutes to school or up to an hour for those from furthest islands of Eriskay and Berneray.

When it comes to subject choices, Sgoil Lionacleit has some very unique options…
The potential for its pupils are not only the traditional education pathways but a chance to celebrate, develop and cherish a unique local tradition in Wooden Boat Design and Building using construction industry carpentry and joinery skills.
At option choices in S4/5/6 pupils can choose to study SQA Boatbuilding and gain key lifelong skills of use within the construction sector.
In addition, another course you don’t find on mainland highschools is Maritime Studies.
Maritime Skills is an introductory qualification. It develops the skills, knowledge and attitudes, needed for work in the industry. The Course provides a broad experiential introduction to maritime skills.
Candidates will explore a variety and range of career opportunities, local, national and global in the maritime sector, including commercial sea-fishing, the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, inland waterways and marine leisure, ports and harbours.

Sgoil an Iochdair
Sgoil an Iochdair is a multi-denominational school in South Uist, with its catchment covering most of Benbecula and the north half of South Uist.
The school offers primary education through Gaelic and English Medium and has a roll of 43 primary pupils , 9 nursery children, supported by 21 teaching and non-teaching staff.
Sgoil Dhalabroig
Like North Uist and Benbecula, Sgoil Dhalabroig has a relatively new school, designed by 3D Reid and opened on the 29ths October 2012, offering excellent accommodation and learning opportunities .
The Sgoil-Àraich (Nursery) is Gaelic Medium and pupils can continue learning through the medium of Gaelic until Primary 7. There are also English medium classes Primary 1 – Primary 7.