A life in Uist is one of connection
Tha coimhearsnachd nan eilean sònraichte, seasmhach agus làidir: ‘s e seo dùthchas.
Tha beatha nan Uibhistich freumhaichte ann an ceanglaichean – ceanglaichean eadar na daoine, an fhearann, a’ mhuir agus an dualchas a tha cho làidir an seo.
The links between people, land, sea, and heritage make our island communities unique, resilient and strong. Everybody; from newborns to great grandparents, are connected not only to each other, but to the past and to the future – to the flow of vibrant island life.

Land sea & sky
Our archipelago of islands is a place like no other. Some of us are busy crofters, others are entrepreneurs. Our landscape varies from West to East with sweeping beaches and rocky hills.
Uist is a place that shapes – and is shaped – by its landscape and inhabitants. To live here is to know that the people and the land belong to each other; that our history and heritage is alive all around us.
Whatever the Weather

Abair thusa gu bheil aimsir Uibhist beòthail. Dèan fiughair ris a’ bhlàr a tha a-muigh agus bi deiseil, agus ‘s dòcha, deònach airson gach seòrsa sìde leis na lincichean gu h-ìosal.
Rolling clouds, stormy seas, blue skies and dreich days. Uist weather is wonderfully variable, unpredictable and untethered from the seasons.
Be prepared for all weathers and embrace outdoor life with these reliable links